Computer help!
oh ok, not even if i run it as master?
Nope, while instaling win, setup configures xp for pc (in which it is being instaled) hardware, if you try to launch that xp in other hardware configuration (especialy other motherboard) pc, you will have same probs as you have now.
Try to launch win setup form your pc, then it should work.
hmm it may work, it would be a bit of a dirty install, but would it not just recognise the new components and bus etc ? at least it would get to a point where he could re install and it would recognise the cdrom
ratz ?
edit: or maybe install win 98 on another pc then upgrade to win xp...again i know this is not ideal
the worst that can happing is it wount work, and you hve to format the disk
short!! Howd you get a picture of my computer?!?!
Upgrading is never a good solution,especially from win98 to xp I still dont understand why your floppy wont has to be something that u have to or didnt yet set in BIOS.If u say your floppy disk shows files and is fully operational it should work 100 %.I can only think of a corrupted floppy cable or floppy drive...try to test your floppy drive (not disk) on a different computer,and have u tried with the boot cd?
Like I always say,RTFM before posting,MBO manual can save your life
well my powersupply is 360W..
the new parts are a gigabyte k8 triton motherboard, amd athlon64 venice 3200+ processsor and a leadtek geforce 6600 256MB pci-e graphics card..
im pretty sure that the power is enough to support this..
the answer is NO. i have similar computer as u and had 350w, after a while it popped up messages in windows, that my gfx got to little power...
one question, is it GT version of you geforce card? and is it a extra cable power cable you have to add to it? if not maybe it is enough. but if you need to buy new power supplie i recommend this.
i bought it for 2 weeks ago, and it makes your life easier:D
and its very very cheap compared to the big ones. but this is on its way in to fight with the big guys..
yea i think installing win 98 then upgrading it would be a good solution, but i dunno i'll wait for ratz or someone else whos good at that stuff to reply before i get myself into something that might be really stupid ;D
it will work. it worked on my comp for 6 months before i screwed it up and had to reinstall.
yea i think installing win 98 then upgrading it would be a good solution, but i dunno i'll wait for ratz or someone else whos good at that stuff to reply before i get myself into something that might be really stupid ;D