Config for only rail CTF 1v1 CUP
how about try
Its in stage of announcement, noone ahs officially played it yet in a cup or such
would be good to announce it that way
Okay, you can play CTF duels for fun but where is point to do it serious as long as CTF is teamplay game type?
Yes duel,
There is no ideally configuration for 1v1 CTF games in railonly library, except bananarail and railmania, because CTF duels at e+ modification should be fast and gripping... without movements that will become boring and long game where one player can capture maybe 2-3 flags, imagine for example qlinsta 1v1 at q3ctf3 -boring, or q3ctf4 with 2 equal players (aim), after 3 years, 2 months, 15, days, 18 hours and 3 minutes still 0-0 ;]
There is possibility I played on more configs and servers than hairs you got on your nut sack. So I played 1v1 CTF games at railonly configs and all weapons like e5/r/s/6 and plusN, thing what I can say is EXCESSIVE PLUS IS FUCKING EXCESSIVE, EXCESSIVE! Remember this word, open your translator, translate it, do not answer yet, think again, understand it, answer if it's still necessary. Railonly duel CTF cup will be excessive, excessive terribly boring.

There is possibility I played on more configs and servers than hairs you got on your nut sack.
Did you rly count hair on his nut sack?
Are you really trolling only in all topics or just retarded and don't understand metaphor? I would fuse both together and call you retarded troll but I don't think it's enough and we really need it, hoping you are enjoying your day, and won't answer as well, otherwise be smart and stay on topic as you should, because most your posts I've dubious pleasure to read was just useless spam.