CPMA sever config for E+
This is something I've been working on for... well, several months now on and off. Needless to say it's not for everyone, and still a work in progress. This is mostly for the more experienced players, that know and enjoy life outside of E+. These are the people I had in mind when writing this config. If you expect insta-gib rail, nade jumps, BFG slides, and multi-jumps don't even bother; this is not for you.
This is intended to be as thorough a emulation of Challenge ProMode Arena (CPMA) as Excessive Plus will allow. Based on my experience starting with CPMA 1.32, and tech sheets for CPMA 1.38, and the ChangeLog included in the announcements for 1.39, and 1.40.
Please read the README.txt, for notes on gameplay, and suggested server settings.
Suggestions are very much welcomed.
nice job dude, but...
the most commonly used value for g_gravity is 900
thats a mistake, it is 800 (default)
hmm mow. doesnt matter but the idea is that at 800 gravity, movements are less smooth than the way theyre supposed to be in cpma. and at 750 (altho changing gravity isnt a GOOD solution) we can make most of those jumps that u normally can in cpma. (and i do mean MOST. including tricks that're not normally done in a cpma game).
my post is regarded to his readme, for the point choosing back to other config.
800 is default, in all mods and not 900.
and i never spoke about 750 of rats config
Glad to see it finally released to the public, man! There've been many late-night/early morning hours put into the cfg, I think it shines. Now everyone download it and see what E+ is really capable of -- not to mention RS. You'll be amazed.
I wish to have cfg like in Clan Arena where is no weaponjumping damage.
Possible anyone have it?

I wish to have cfg like in Clan Arena where is no weaponjumping damage.
Possible anyone have it?
this is a osp.cfg, if u load gametype 7 for clan arena it might be what ur searching for.
ps: if u change xp_physics to 2 in mid of game, u need a map_restart for cpm switch.
thx nice work ratsalad
Thanks mow, I will correct the README.