Crazy Rail Config v1
2. July 2013 - 16:21
Hello All
I want to acquaint you with CrazyRail.cfg
Brief description:
Multi Jumps = 4;
Respawn Time = 1;
Railgun Self Knockback = 140;
Railgun Knockback = 450;
Other Setings: just remember r4e09f
Tournament Server:
2. July 2013 - 17:12
Re: Crazy Rail Config v1
multijumps = 4? why only 4?
4. July 2013 - 0:03
Re: Crazy Rail Config v1
i think its good we have new cfgs here in e+ and we should encourage other people to create different configs also
15. July 2013 - 15:43
Re: Crazy Rail Config v1

i think its good we have new cfgs here in e+ and we should encourage other people to create different configs also
we should encourage people with cheats to leave this place.
in the amount their 5 )
5 jumps it's convenient if is multijumps, it is fast and convenient config for DTM, CTF, FFA