dunno, as def its impossible to resupply health/armor after each attack. dont want to be stuck on 23 health waiting for you enter the base full health shooting and taking the flag

Well, u can /kill and comeback. C'mon need more votes who deals it and who dont. This way an attacker would never get flag. 2 defenses. And 1 "inmortal defender", divx i think u didnt see or played with someone unhitable. Its really annoying believe me.
if u need to kill to get the flag you are playing ctf wrong
health pickups are ok, means attackers who are trying to survive as long as possible for their flag return have an incentive to move around the map to pick up items and not just camp in a corner
We joined this cup and accepted the rules, atleast make a poll for changing them, you DICKtator
We're not even talking about armor at all, itemstyle 1 as was proposed in this cup is only health (no armor). Rail does 600 damage, can't get over that without armor.
Plus add the play-offs to rule list as it was changed.
Oh right, cool
2.Round starting

2.Round starting
Last days in public ctf server games, was annoying to hit people with 2 shots, lg, mg, bfg and still didnt die. I want to skip the headaches for the cup.