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Sign In deadline - 30/08/16
Event starts - 01.09/16 <3
:::: ! :::: BAX < > :::: ! ::::
Everyone is playing with everyone.
* Played mod: 2.2b ( newest version )
* Played config: plusN.cfg ( v2.4 )
* Played gametype: Capture The Flag
* Played itemstyle: xp_itemstyle "1"
* Maps: Official CTF WAR MAPS - link
* Tie map: q3w2 (if all clans agree, everyclan choices a map, the map with majority will be choosen).
* Punkbuster: 1
* Pure: 1
* Timelimit: 15 [15! not 15:01]
* Fraglimit: 0
* Friendly Fire: 0
* xp_suddendeath: 1
* xp_matchmode: 1
* Team Information :
* Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3
* Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5
* During the cup , each team has ( 7days ) deadline to play their matches
* Fixtures list will be given after the sign-up's will be finished
* All games must be played following RANK RULES.
* OFFICIAL CTF WAR MAPS are to be used.
* if a match isn't played within deadline there will be a WO.
* if a team doesnt reply = WO [use forums].
* if a team doesn't show up after 30 mins after set time = WO
* if team quits the the cup, every previous and further games considered as a lost by WO.
* Loosing 2 games by WO in a row will succeed removing from the Cup.
* Each team has the right to take 2 time-outs per maps unless opponent agree for more.
* Every player who take a part in the cup has to play under official team tag.
* Every player who take a part in the cup has to be prepared to play with pb and pure.
* Clan Leader is responsible for Team, he need to take care who is allowed to play and who`s not.
* If a Team has broken the rules and won there must be replayed the match.
* Both Teams have to plan a Replay of the Match in 1 week.
*New recruited players have to wait one round.
* Match won 2 - 0 = 3 points
* Match won 2 -1 = 3 points
* Match won by WO = 3 points
* Match lost 0 - 2 = 0 points
* Match lost 1 - 2 = 1 points
* Match lost by WO = -2 points
*Clans can choose only 1 map from the official rank maps per game.
*That means the clans can't choose the same map twice in this event.
1. [LSF] (bax, magic, chester, immortal, hitman, matze, kszksz, teq, bird, kamas, edi, killa, roxor, shadowknight)
2. [SIRIUS] (q3fan, brat, shurik, sam, zuzsek, malombo, bebe, valerka)
3. [EU] (nat, noshit, crazy, mische, ge, kmp, kantill, jeff, abed, szktz)
4. [WsS!?] (Kersy, killer, n1te, Savage, DangerCat, Superbad, Trax, Towhat).
5. [ZoO] (Equilibrium, MixerX, Tyrant, Warnerman, Ska, Plastrom, Bonnie, Clyde, Steff, Nether, Khazaar).
please amend the dates as this is from 2013
Sirius in. I hope Brat can play..
How about making it for teams of say 5 instead? I think it would add variety. There are people in clans who like CTF but their clanmates don't. So either people would form a lot of new clans/senselessly migrate or just wouldn't participate.
![[MR.]MIXERX [MR.]MIXERX](/files/screenname/396dcac1bb30bde923000679311f0f0f.webp)
How about making it for teams of say 5 instead? I think it would add variety. There are people in clans who like CTF but their clanmates don't. So either people would form a lot of new clans/senselessly migrate or just wouldn't participate.
mix i wanna be in your clan for this event xd
![[MR.]MIXERX [MR.]MIXERX](/files/screenname/396dcac1bb30bde923000679311f0f0f.webp)
How about making it for teams of say 5 instead? I think it would add variety. There are people in clans who like CTF but their clanmates don't. So either people would form a lot of new clans/senselessly migrate or just wouldn't participate.
we saw this at previous events, so completely agree. i'm available to join any active team if zoo doesn't enter
go e5r
Well, this is nice Bax, good luck with this event
xD, done. Sign deadline and cup starts will be modified depending in the amount of clans.
Please, every clan that signs up choose a map. Then the map most replied will be the tiemap