defrag.cfg | 2.5
here is the defrag Config for Excessive Plus.
Thx to Aliminium to help me for this Config!
File comment:
Set xp_promode 0 for vq3 (default) or xp_promode 1 for cpm (need map_restart after change).
Use Gametype 0 for TRICK map's, Gametype 3 for RUN map's and Gametype 4 for CTF map's.
Set pmove_fixed 0 (Overbounce OFF) or pmove_fixed 1 (Overbounce ON, default).
// Please Report Bugs //
Also if you want weapons to not hit or cause damage to enemies you can turn on the bit SOLIDS_WEAPON bit of xp_solids.
and put with the cfg (if you haven't already)
pmove_fixed 1
which enables OB, maybe other stuff i dunno

From easy's words, the Overbounce "bug" is just the same as in baseq3. It was disabled for 1.03 and re-enabled for 1.04 as people complained about the trick maps.
To have it work you have to do exactly the same as you would need in baseq3: "/rcon pmove_fixed 1". Then you can load some trickmap and try it.
Since ive never tried baseq3 movements and tricks maps and cant do any trick at all, i cant try it myself.
it's in 'jumping bug' in 'feedback'
not sure if it works properly
but i ob'd once out of 5 attempts (i'm not sure where to do them, but i have a basic understanding of how to do it)
Looks nice, gj!
this cfg work in 2.2b?? i can't feel the same than defrag mod

this cfg work in 2.2b?? i can't feel the same than defrag mod
definitely, it should be edited: xp_physics is missing some flags for promode-alike physics: PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS | PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS.
maybe something else though.
little update for ctf and ammos