Do you think PB is necessary on every cw?
hey hey hey same here
I even tried to switch to 1.16n because there they don't use pb at all
But I missed so much e+ that I'm back but I still have my win7
damn pb :roll:
i have no problems with pb.
IMO all who have pb probs, have setup probs. Hang all pb whiners.
I dont care if on or off, i have same smooth gameplay.
BUT IT IS FACT, some people play very different skill when pb is on.
anyway, ur pollquestion is biased!
For sure it does not ban all cheaters, make a serios poll please or just dont make any poll if u cant make a neutral poll. GOD DAMNIT
gimme another toiletpaper if u want to turn it off
I'll agree with Mowly and Skull (like usual ), but I must quote Foksie also and remind you that PB without Pure is like taking a crap without wiping your ass...
A server's PB.cfg can (and should) be constantly updated with known cheat cvars. At one time in olden days of 1.03 the Server Admin's Corner had a thread solely for the purpose of server owners sharing their pb.cfg files so that it was almost global across E+ cfgs that all known cheats that could be detected by PB, would be.
Of course this can be done again. But as they are always finding new cheats, PB.cfg files must always be updated. It's an ongoing process. However, there is a massive amount of known cheat cvars which can be detected by PB... we are limited only by what we do not know about cheats. The more we educate ourselves about finding cheats and the more we keep our server updated, the better PB will be.
Mowly created a thread about eliminating the lag/chops PB can cause upon server join a very long time ago, btw, m8, I downloaded the fix back then and it still works today... I don't understand why people have such a difficult time with PB...
I really wouldn't mind to play with PB (lags doesn't affect me) but those gaytards from evenbalance said they won't support Win7 RC unless it's final (I would like to ask for one good reason of this policy you lazy bastards).
Ah, so. Being off the internet for a few months means I missed that ;d I wasn't online much for the Windows 7 release and had no clue, I understand your position now. I think if both clans agree to no PB it shouldn't be an issue for ranking...
I think i'd prefer to have PB on for ranked games.
I know it lags and is pretty out of date, but it's all we have left to try to prevent cheating (besides Skillhead's PB eyes)
nice sig mnc haha
I know your stand already. I just want to read opinions of people from different clans.