DS 2:0 HYPER/11.08.2006/RANKED
DS vs HYPER 2:0 for DS
1st map q3dm7 (HYPER choice) 9:9 eXtra Time 5:2 for DS
2nd map q3dm11 (DS choice) 14:9 for DS
Game for Freez Summer Cup
Gametype: TAG
Players: 3 vs 3
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
GG & Thx for game HYPER ; )
GG :!: :!: :!:
great game
topic is wrong
why :
Ex edit topic name
btw. hm, gg hyper? gg DS
[code:1] MARCUS KO : Ex edit topic name
btw. hm, gg hyper? gg DS [/code:1]
well, we have a problem we are very unpunctually, I remind ever my member!!
for example i wanted hylian in this match, he doesn't come .
so what i can say more ? DS clan had complete member on server, and we was only 3 and we have a few inactive player. if i know that this will happend, i dont join in fsc. unlucky
GG DS 'n' XP