E+ and winamp
Is there any possibility to control my player when playing E+? Does somebody has a plugin or s.th. similar? Alt + Enter sucks and binds are not working when Winamp is running in the background.
there is some program called quake minimizer or something. i know that it works way better than alt +enter. but i dont know if thats the right name or where to get it... but im sure some in here will know it
You could always try a keyboard with media keys like mine. The volume turns everything up and down though, not just winamp.
well, im not using winamp, but take a look at shortcuts menu, maybe there is option for global hotkeys, just like in foobar2000.
i would like this to work also the program is called q3e minimizer, dunno where i got it, maybe google helps
i would like this to work also the program is called q3e minimizer, dunno where i got it, maybe google helps
If you look through planetquake archives I'm sure there is a script for controlling Winamp in-game, I used to have it years and years ago, but you might have to use an older Winamp version to get it working right.
i have version 5.094 of winamp
there is no need for anything else. its build into winamp but you must turn it on.
go to options -> preference -> global hotkeys
turn on hotkeys.
You could always try a keyboard with media keys like mine. The volume turns everything up and down though, not just winamp.
thats what i have.
i also have q3 minimizer is not so bad but..who the hell would minimize all the time :roll:
only when its sometihing really important, not to switch songs.
oke i found program and cfg for binds winamp function in q3. I tested it on q3 and with winamp 5 it work fine. It should work with winamp 2.
Use it is simple:
1. run winamp
2. run q3p.exe and unblock it on firewall (cuz it use in q3 command ping who will be send on pc loopback)
3. put q3p.cfg in excessiveplus folder
4. run q3
5. type in console: /exec q3p.cfg
Ocf u can put command in ur cfg, here is list from q3p.cfg:
[code:1]bind "KP_5" "ping" ; //play
bind "KP_DEL" "ping" ; //stop
bind "" "ping" ; //stop with calm
bind "" "ping" ;//stop after end of track
bind "KP_INS" "ping" ; //pause
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "ping" ; //Rewind
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "ping" ; //Forward
bind "KP_UPARROW" "ping" ; //Previous
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "ping" ; //Next
bind "KP_PGUP" "ping" ; //Begint of list
bind "KP_PGDN" "ping" ; //End of list
bind "KP_MINUS" "ping"; //Volume down
bind "KP_PLUS" "ping"; //Volume up[/code:1]
good job flex:)