E+ League?

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
E+ League?

Foksie, maybe u can explain the swiss systen, since i can't imagine something under it. I would find it good, if any clan has to fight any other participating clan once.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
E+ League?

Actually, its not like that. But each clan has to fight a clan that does as well as that clan.

For example if one clan wins a lot, it has to play another clan that wins a lot.

And if one clan looses everything, he will play another clan that looses everything.

Generally, the more rounds, the more close and exciting the matches become.

System has a ton of rules, i sugges you read it up on wikipedia for precise mathematical details. Smug

In short, its explained above in this post.

As a note: this system requires strict adherence to rounds. So im not sure how that would work in e+ Worried

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
E+ League?

The system really does not sound bad, but i doubt, that a clan can improve, if they play always against enemys on the same level. Of course i speak out of my personal sight, from my personal experience, but when i was a way weaker player, i became motivated by playing against people who owned me. Also of course, i wont become much better anymore, since i dont have the same time as in past.

Anway, in a anyone against anybody league, clans will play the pwnage clans and weaker clans, and same level clans.

All that is the reason why i thing, it is better to have a all vs all system. Also i c advantages in a league with as less as possible rules, so, that any clanleader have no problems to come arround with the system, means also, the clans join easier, because clanleaders are less irritated and have less to read and understand. Most of the people are here to play and not to read the rules 3-6 times just to understand them fully.

So the hardest part of starting the league should be, to make sure, that the clan is alive for the ammount of games for the season, imo.

I want to have as many clans as possible in this league, those who have a kinda perfect organisation, also those who are more a fun clan.

And i thought meanwhile, it would be better to not have ctf in gametypelist, just tdm, freeze and ca. That is what most clans "can play", CTF is too specific for that league.

Any further thoughts?

Last but not least, i would like to c you foksie, and maybe skullhead in the head organisation. So we could start maybe after the tdm-l league.

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
E+ League?

i had this in mind long time ago, just waited for some1 with better english and more organised thinking to express it . jeje mow Happy

sry for bumping like an idiot but saw no1 said anything in like 1month and a half and its a great idea we should apply on e+ since some clans adop the rule : we play only with a,b and c cause we win for sure and we not risk taking a loose with x. or smth as that Happy

@abarth lol .. discrimination ? did some1 stopped doing it for e5 ? ppl throw hard words nowadays without knowing their real meaning but hell who cares ..