Excessive Speed - The movie
Now that is the best Q3 e+ movie I've seen to date.
Even my work colleagues loved it and they dont play games
The frags were outstanding, and yes, the timing and editing was lovely. (also the music ) you added perfect extra tracks mate.
really cool one Abarth
I loved the synch at the beginning... been pretty good...
felt like some downs in the middle, good at the end again.
well placed effects. mme bloodbug sux tho.
somehow the frags in first 8min seemed just like ordinary public spam had to spot the good ones...
but last frags been outstanding, as well as the caps... looked really amazing
keep it going
For sure the best E+ vid so far

For sure the best E+ vid so far
Thats because he got some pro povs for it
Again great movie mate i have watched it about 9 times already lol.
The quality was amazing
Kb did you ever realise you spelt excessive wrong in you signature
awesome video.
I'm really impressed conserning the speed of the combo-moves in CTF, that's even faster than in ZoO games, or is it cos of e5 and not plus ?
I know I can't reach that level unless I learn CTF maps from a to z.
again great movie.
well, fact is, e5 ctf is harder, faster and more thinking about movement, since u have no multijumps and no cpm-physics. (i dont claim plus-ctf is easy, but its much different).
Was a nice movie...
Top stuff, great movie! :thumbright:
imo. fresh and cool view at e5 world. Great vid Ab, GJ!
Personally I like the most "smack my bitch up" part
Imo this track fits the best into this movie. And btw, killer, do you remember when we played at mapel4b and I killed you by bfg, then I said to myself for fun: "Nice shot" - and you told me "AbarTh, if you said Nice shot to yourself, I would cry for you"? There is that shot 

Specially for you 
@Fastect captures: I could put all records but that would be a bit too long, so I put only best ones.
@Synchronization: "Another thing that is critical for me is very precise synchronization. I love the movies where so called "small events" like
incredible frags or fast transitions between clips are bound with sound (bass) "kicks" in the background. I gave all my best to
keep entire project in this style."
Nothing is impossible