Excessive Speed - The movie
WOW! Thats an TERRIFIC movie!

this movie is not half as impressive as the old KO Clan quake 3 freeze tag part1 / 2 (from the player performance)...it buy votes only by qualtity and movie effects...
Coz K[] Fragmovie II is not ctf movie U dumbfuck moron , Nice 1 Abarth ... Perfect Sync with Prodigy <3
Nice captures

oh i forgot a "as" in front of impressive how horrible, go fuck yourself PANDA BEAR GAY...
No, you retard. But keep trying, you're getting there, champ.
why dont you 2 get a chat room filled with private mesages?
you both should read the rules more often you didn't got them good... the last part with red is very important.
I wrote those rules, nimrod. And don't give me that crap, they are there to help avoid shit like Fireman's and Tricks' faggot session a while ago, not to force every user into awkward politeness mode. Delete the posts if it will make you feel better, not like German Killer has anything useful to say, like, ever.

Tricks' faggot
who cares that im homo? u are not so open-minded, arent u?

I wrote those rules, nimrod
trol team was offend mods, admin ban plz.
fu sockpuppet c: