ExcessivePlus Community Fix Up
I am so Tired of all this S***!
It is time as a community too rebuild and reabilitate.
Our problems are the following:
People leaving other Clans to the stronger ones ( wiz & Genz ) leaving the others hopeless
Wars between each other wiz - mr
Now, the only way too fix this problem with wiz & GenX is this:
I propose we stop all Recruits in [wiZ] & {GenX}
We as a community work on the other clans to get recruits:
now, WASP I am fixing at the moment, putting Bro5 in too WASP, and making it better, ALC is a bit small, FRV is a bit quiet and small and Evol needs some more recruits... WASP need more recruits as well
As a community we can build these clans up, and using Easy+'s proposed Webspace Deal, I think we can build Websites for each clan that does not have one, and transfer our own there (Just a thought!)
The recent Wars between mr. & wiz is because when mr changed their name to wiz and mullder thought they left etc...
Well, I propose the following:
wiz & mr. combine, changing their names to either wiz or mr. , but as mullder is a big part in this community as well, mabye it is best for wiz to change names back to mr.
Mullder would be owner, with Alien 1st Ranking etc...
This would really clean things up, and the Servers would not have bannings on them
Now what I think mabye we should do is this for the smaller clans:
We either a) Get new Recruits or
Combine 2 Clans into one, eg. ALC & [WASP] (Mabye!?)
That is all
another problem is exc must programming new its a cheater mod one shoot dead many many cheaters are on server big problem !!
cid: Sorry, I clicked on edit instead of quote
its a idee but this make mod broken too! terminator!
arr i think i give up all
dont know to make 3clans =1 thats the right way?
im not sure !
its a cool idee but on other side stupid
ALC and FRV are inactiv in last time see no mutch!
this make me sick
first of all: putting clans togehter is ok i think!! F.R.V and wasp for example!! F.r.v. has got a high level because they have 3 really damn good player (adler,bigpill and Snemann) and wasp also 2-3 good players! so it would be a great clan!! ah REMEBER: f.r.v. beat genx and wiz on 1 map in league!!!!!!!
But evol and alc are strong enough and they have many players!!
also we must give little and weaker clans a chance!! maybe they fix their teamplay and beat us! Bro5 in league is an good example for this! it was a close game on dm14 vs. genx!!! damn close!
Ok next topic:
genx has got 13 players but there are only 8-9 aktiv!! and i think you need 8-9 maybe 10 ppl in clan for cw´s or league games!
Moreover i dont know what you guys want!! At the moment there are many good players on servers without clan! (NEOWOLF, zyzio,xeon...)
sure they need a little bit training to tune their teamplay and then in a few weeks they will be damn good!!! I PROMISE
Ahh something else! G.T. has got also damn good players and they are new clan so you can see its not so difficult to set up a clan with high skilled ppl! give new clans a chance to grow up and to rise their skills!!
ok thats all i think!
no danm1 thng and last thing!! : MULLE PLEASE LET WIZ PLAY ON YOUR SERVERS!!!
ok now i am finished!! ineed a drink!
CUL on server!
timm not good enough but i see have creat FRV and GT so need good playerssssssss
ask adler to make GT and FRV ONE so old and new clan make fusion to beat you alllllllllllll argh argh arghhh ggggggggggggg
go now working ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

another problem is exc must programming new its a cheater mod one shoot dead many many cheaters are on server big problem !!
You are playing on vulnerable servers!
Punkbuster does not block cheats like the Ace E*******ns (most of you should know this because of the ;-) smiley) because it is a modification (like Excessive Plus) and not a regular hack. You can prevent such hacks only with sv_pure 1.
So having:
sv_pure 1
sv_punkbuster 1
WILL keep the server cheat free because PB isn't sleeping. The only negative aspect is that the servers wont be filled with "newbie" players and that's what the admins want to prevent.
The one shoot dead (called InstaGib) is a product of the "bro-ffa.cfg". I noticed that most play Railgun only there. I don't know but it must be really boring to use only one weapon all the time out of 9 very cool weapons, well at last for me it was really boring.
Ok, we tried the configuration here and most weapons are useless in that config, so it's only understandable that you only use one weapon but it's up to you to change them to make 'em useful!
Another thing is that you can't solve problems by merging clans together! Especially not without discussions with that clans.
But it's just fair for bigger clans to not accept any new members to build up other clans and have possible enemys in them.
ok, with the clan side of things, I think we should combine [WASP] & Evol
combine GT, ALC & FRV as they are smaller.
then we would have 4 nice clans going, in big competition, then when it gets more popular, we open another clan, seem good?
ExcessivePlus Administrator