ExcessivePlus Community Fix Up
i can say like this terminator, i have terminated mullder for ever, not ever in my life i will play under , an asshole
hi all
this thing wtih putting clans together is not an bad idea.but we have to see WHICH clans! An other idea is that all clans help together that smaller clans get new players. Often if someone wants to recruits an player they doesnt know thats an cheater (maybe) so i think we all should help together that we have good clanfights with REAL players.
And i want to say that is not a good idea to put GT and FRV together. Because Subevel had done a lot of work to build his new clan and gets them strong and by putting GT together with another clan this work gets broken. If GT show up completely as a clan they are very strong.
At FRV i dont know whats going on. I was not here for few weeks because of my final exams at school and so was adler. and now im back and im a little bit stronger as before but i asked adler whats going on and he sayd he dont know "its summerbreak an no one is playing" at 1 september adler leaves us for a little bit longer time because he goes to army
. I dont see snemann for soooo long. adler says he plays only Counter Strike and Battlefield. Luna is playing with his girls in OSP clan. tia thats the problem at frv. at the moment only me and MagicTL are active.
and that means frv is an 2 man clan rofl.
I have not much to say to all this statements ... bigpill said already all
FRV is a little bit offline atm, but remember its summer, hot girls, swimming pool, the football EM, nice wether, sex, party, .... we come back after this all
but one thing! for a few weeks (at the beginning of the first league) we try to get much clans most with only 4-6 ppl and thats all because we would like to have fun and many cws!!
WHY to hell? Only to beat genx or wiz? jea of course they have the best teams atm. but there are so much players on the servers, good and bad. So, before i put clans together i train and play with this noobs and all the other gamers! NOT IN MY LIFE TIME AND WHEN I'M LEADER OF FRV I PUTTING CLANS TOGETHER!! We need more games and fun and not a personal war or maybe a ban-war on the servers! If i should work with an other clan together i leave this community. That’s my last word of this topic!
Over and out
timm u are wrong there is only 5 of us active:
ergh ... seems we are only 4 ... but bo will be back
sub is gone for 9 months...
rest of genx do not play at all (refused, carnag3)
play once per 2 months(diesell, rudz)
or are just tag users (0oo0)
damn i just have something to say to but i forgott
sorry Term, dont know what my team mates think about your idea, but as for me i think i wouldnt like to see EVOL merge with another clan. one of the key elements of our enthusiasm in setting up evol was that we would have team mates whom we really know and this way would have a really friendly atmosphere. which of course doesnt mean that we cant be on friendly terms with anyone else as this is not the case, even with the 'new members', for we need a few others. also i think we wouldnt want to belong to a big clan, considering the above. and true though that at the moment things are a bit upside down, and a few people are taking a break, but i dont think that the solution to all these problems is to merge clans. this might happen anytime later on, but if so, then hopefully for other reasons.
anyway, this is my opinion, and there is nothing personal about it, but either i am a member of evol, or else i am a loner (just think of our gorgeous tag )
yeah pan true we are only 5 @ the moment!
Oh you forget our new member IZ!! so one more in da house!
terminator, do u own all clan no, and should deside who goes where , just asking
I have been reading all your suggestions, thoughts & Ideas...
I think that merging clans at this stage is a bit too early, we have to help out the other clans get the recruits. I could do with that ' Wolf ' guy on the servers
But, I have re-done [WASP], merged Bro5 into [WASP], and taken out all the weaklings, and there is not many people left. Mabye it is a good idea to merge FRV with WASP, I don't know... As there is only like 2/3 people active, adding them to [WASP] would make [WASP] about 7/8 Really Strong people...
ExcessivePlus Administrator