Fake Nics
Ok, it seems almost everyone is faking these days, its like I'm playing on servers with strangers. ppl smile after a kill, i want to smile back,, such is may nature with the guys i know and respect. but if LOL or or noob smile i don't feel like it as i don't know who the hell they are.
imo its ruining the atmostpfere on server, if it was 1 or 2 it would be ok..but I've just played with 6 ppl and only 1 had his nic and i know the others where regulars.
i appreciate some ppl don't want to be known as they just want to play and not have to interact for what ever reason.
but most seem to do it as they are maybe not playing full on and don't want to ruin their reputation..... sigh
can we not have like an accepted agreement than if you are trying to show you are just playing for fun and not to your full potential you just use your nic in white or something ?
Meh, most people are easily recongizeable after a while. Like Skull, all the time with "sensetest" or somesuch Other are too lazy to change their binds, and some use only one or two fakenicks.
But yeah, it's really become hard to catch more then two or three people use their own, full nicks and tags. >_<
I accept that agrement. It can sometimes be confusing if someone sais "Hello" and the name is unknown to me, then its just like... - yeaa.. hello (and by not being rude to ask: who r u?).
Also if someone is insulting, but for fun and the guy/gal have another nick i can flame cos noone like strangers being rude. Its just so unnecessary.
I know what you feel Wax. Playing with bunch of strangers. You feel naked and they all are in cloth. Even worst they speak about you on language which you don't understand and laugh or with smiley's.
i kinda agree with wax. i admit i use fakenicks sometimes like .DA:BEER. but mostly use my own tag or name. Some people always use their tag which i respect, as even if they are having a bad game, they dont feel the need to hide it behind a fakenick. Some people almost always hide behind fakenicks which is totally up to them, but when i see it all the time, it just makes me think that they are antisocial especially if they know you.
many of us use them while warming up and then tag when requested. Others use them more then others but we all know who uses what fake nic. even my insulting F*chOff nic is known by all who play on servers with me. Mainly I use it when I am being bombarded by players about tryouts and the forums and wanting to chat while all I want to do is play.
agree with wax, but sometimes i want be invisible to ppls who know me, so i use fake names.
ps. here is some fake names that i use and many of you know: fake name here: _______, spider pig and others most who starts of end witg frog. i dont say to you my other fakes, that i use then i want be invisible
Meh, most people are easily recongizeable after a while. Like Skull, all the time with "sensetest" or somesuch
You forgot "ballmouse".
On-topic: I kinda agree with Wax + people thinking they are so good saying something rude to the others on the team or to the whole bunch of players, like:
- bah, now I have to play for three
- too easy, everyone is fucking noobs (usually fakenickers who says it) <-- And THAT'S bothering me fucking much.
You can recognize someone with their binds though, like I said in another thread - My "Hi-didelidoo, neighboureenos!" bind. I don't usually fakenick, actually it's seldom, but if that's the case, I use "i are timbo!", "ZOMBIE CHICKEN" or "teddybear"
Heyyy Laki, you forgot your nick of: BrandyLVR
Heyyy Laki, you forgot your nick of: BrandyLVR
Lol, it's a while since I used that. Tbh, many months ago!
its not so much any insults, i just wanna know is im playing with freinds with out it turning in to a quiz