Fps no longer Rank Moderator/ Recruiting 1 rank moderator
Sadly Fps chose to step down from the rank moderation team.
Thanks for your good job as rank moderator and all that you did for e+ rankings.
So now we have an free slot for a new rank moderator.
Who wants to become a rank moderator, can send me a private message here with the subject: "For rank moderator".
Current Rank Moderation team : Fate and Sp.
What a rank moderator have to do? What is his job?
only linatali do not take it!
mb Blitz ?
I'm up for it Epsi ^^ xd
sure, we can go play tetris then lol
nothing lost. bb ffs
Awww, no flames please, like would say dranzer (even if he's not one of my closest relative... xD) there's no need to flame about other people on e+, that's not worth it, it's a game and the ppl you get in trouble with are only here the time quake window is open...
GB Ranky FPS, I guess real life is more important and GL to the next Rank moderator, that's a hell of a job !
Good riddance.
Thanks for all the good work and effort you put into the ranking FPS.
Good riddance.
Nice words, try not coming on to these forums while under the influence. It doesn't make you look cool.
Basically the only person (who wasn't ever in the aNk/xXx scope of things) left in e+ with both intelligence and rationale quit and people are celebrating? This place is fucked! (at least FPS finally, after like 9 months of saying "I know conventional quake is awesome but I don't have the time to switch so I'll just stay here before just leaving" is finally leaving, and for an awesome cause too \m/)
There is nobody to recommend or endorse (and I'm pretty sure that a lot of people will apply due to selfish reasons rather than a chance to improve this place, or with the right reasons but who are just too stupid and potentially will cause more harm than good (most of the latest cup organizers are like that). There were historically no more than 2 ranking admins here, right? It's a system that worked (if both organizers weren't part of the same clique I believe). Why not just say "FPS was training up SPraw for his retirement" and keep two?