Fps no longer Rank Moderator/ Recruiting 1 rank moderator

maybe bopoh
he is good person
and inglisk is wery njce
hahaah ))))
maybe skull , he knows things about e+
maybe skull , he knows things about e+
He already was a Rank Mod. I'm certainly sure he don't really want to come back
Anyway, I'm sure I written here before but I see no messages my me, strange...
Thanks FPS for your effort and time you've putted into this mod, there are some people that appreciate it and I'm one of them - Thank you. GLHF in retirement ; )
I was about to apply myself as Rank Mod but after my thoughts about that I don't really know if Rank Mod is the position I would be good at so I guess I'll pass.
GL finding new Ranking Moderator, I hope there are some competent people for this position.
Jeffer, you in Ukraine? Let's meet?

Jeffer, you in Ukraine? Let's meet?
Jeff has already spoken to your farm owner, unfortunately he won't let u out from the pigsty xd

Jeffer, you in Ukraine? Let's meet?
Jeff has already spoken to your farm owner, unfortunately he won't let u out from the pigsty xd
Could you explain the work to do and how it proceed, so we can see if someone can do the task. Maybe could I, but I don't know at all how it works.

Could you explain the work to do and how it proceed, so we can see if someone can do the task. Maybe could I, but I don't know at all how it works.
Beter not take people who intent to have unfair way's of winning ^^
o0? Can you explain what you mean?
Status: Yellow Card. (18.7.2011)
Reason: Md5Tool Q3Hook.dll.
Duration: Permanent.
tobad your silly topic where you asked for hax has dissapeared =/