
24 replies [Last post]
ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

Which genius blocked the happy birthday for my friend Base?

I know some of the admins lack intelligence but dropping so low?


Does this break any rule? Is that thread worthy of a lock?


nonsense repellent declamatory

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: hi

The topic was locked for the amount of off-topics and non-english comments in the end.. the lock will be released after a time. This is not a new action, it happen the same in other topics. No need to panic. And it's regardless of the topic in cause.

Doll's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: hi

Oh, there wasnt anything important to translate... just hi, how r u

"Ants in the afterbirth, slugs under the sun."

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: hi
epsiplayer wrote:

The topic was locked for the amount of off-topics and non-english comments in the end.. the lock will be released after a time. This is not a new action, it happen the same in other topics. No need to panic. And it's regardless of the topic in cause.

Oh no bro, rules were broken, people were having fun. DEAR GOD HELP US.

God forbid, people were being friendly or creative on this community. Let's block all attempts. God forbid, people would try to be funny, let's just continue enforcing petty rules to stomp out any form of humour or communication. Who wants to follow or keep an interesting community like this place in 2006-09. Let's just go all out and create a whole e+ full of cringe-worthy puns, and Blackbananaangels. Fair enough they fail in any other on-line environment ever, but who cares about that when we can write things such as "xD PLZ GAYDEN HIHIHI" and "ZYDICK))))". Let's be proud of our turbopuns. Let's honour our mediocrity and inability to think independently. Let's be EXCESSIVE


nonsense repellent declamatory

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: hi

In the same way i would like to understand what madbringer was trying to say in his language? maybe other ppl would like to know that too :)Why not ? Let's all see what you're saying, we can't lol about it if are hidden messages? I could write in my romanian language very funny stuffs about others, and i'm sure would be great for you too Happy Why i can't do this? Could you tell me ?
In the last days every1 likes to write something in his language.. Lets split this forum in nationalities then. Isn't this a good idea? You see my sarcasm ?
Why are you so panicated? i've told you it's just for a limited time & its the same as in any other topic. Why bother to write a post like this?

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: hi
epsiplayer wrote:

In the same way i would like to understand what madbringer was trying to say in his language? maybe other ppl would like to know that too :)Why not ? Let's all see what you're saying, we can't lol about it if are hidden messages? I could write in my romanian language very funny stuffs about others, and i'm sure would be great for you too Happy Why i can't do this? Could you tell me ?
In the last days every1 likes to write something in his language.. Lets split this forum in nationalities then. Isn't this a good idea? You see my sarcasm ?
Why are you so panicated? i've told you it's just for a limited time & its the same as in any other topic. Why bother to write a post like this?

Dude I like you, and please don't take it as a personal insult, but your view about this is very simplistic, and you seriously, despite showing intelligence in some topics, sometimes just give off this appearance of someone who just lacks the ability to use deductive thinking.

One-liners in Cyrillic are harmful to the community? First of all, a large of the community is eastern European, second of all should you write a 3-word sentence in Romanian, the people who wrote this sentence will be able to understand it. The ones who, unfortunately, were not blessed to understand the language it was written in, can happily go to google.com/translate, and should they be extremely retarded, or extremely sleep deprived, can even select the "auto locate language" to find the gist of the message. Considering it's a 3-4 word sentence, there is a very small chance of failure to show the gist of the message (even if we are speaking about Cantonese). Shit, Trance wrote public messages on esreality to Romanian compatriots in arguments and in blessings. Regardless of your theory, esreality didn't implode in rage and furious anger like the tower of Babel in biblical times due to inability to communicate. The person who the message addressed to read and replied, conversation continued, and people with interest about topic could ask the concerned parties about the content. PEOPLE DIDN'T DIE COS ZOMG FOREIGN LANGUAGE.

I know you are trying your best, but sometimes, the lengths at which you miss the entire point of a thread/conversation/topic are borderline stupefying. It is as obvious on IRC, as on this forum. Sadly, some mystical power decided to grant you the control to exercise your executive rights here, and it is disturbing. Still, could have been much worse, could have been Balrog Call me

Anyways, I digress, and on a lighter topic, here is a quote about this whole situation:

Where are the Drills of yesteryear?

Anybody who guesses the reference and applies the correct context to the quote gets a lvl 35 Charizard )))


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!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: hi

omg Surprise shady has posted some funny wisdom and topic got blocked ? No way gayden hihi u have to check it out Zydick omg lol plz xd

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: hi

I don't have to guess which part of bi-polar terrorm8 I am speaking to... I guess this is the "lol terrorysta@WIP lounge gtfo ank trolls from 3 years ago" and not the one who wants to suck my ball-sack plap QL with me?

edit: in case someone can't tell, I am being sarcastic : @

Уронили мишку на пол,
Оторвали мишке лапу.
Все равно его не брошу -
Потому что он хороший.


nonsense repellent declamatory

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: hi
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

I don't have to guess which part of bi-polar terrorm8 I am speaking to... I guess this is the "lol terrorysta@WIP lounge gtfo ank trolls from 3 years ago" and not the one who wants to suck my ball-sack & "meet me & my Quake playing housemates before he goes back to Poland" )))))))

xD haha owned xD did i hurt your feelings ? did i piss u off xD plz btw I'm only paying back for your shitty attitude on gbr vs swe :E mkay
Seems like u are on your maniac spree again, hmm where is madbringer to back u up ??

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: hi

this attidude wasn't shitty... i had a clanbase war in ut2004, that seebz, kostur and Zack were members of. We lost the first map, and we already were delayed by 30 mins. Zack still wanted to play some random pcw on e-. I consider clanbase more important than some random pcw on this mod. We lost the first map, so to save time, we had to lose the game, since if we won it, it would take 15 more minutes to play a tie map, and it would be uncomfortable for the opposite clan to wait for us for a longer time.

Who would you rather upset? a bunch of randoms who play some obscure mod nobody cares about & couldn't play real quake to save their lives? Or would you rather make a negative outlook for yourself & your clanmates in an opening game of a GGL hosted cup? I made a decision and I stand by it )))

edit: we got annihilated by the other clan, but cos we played an excessive freeze to warm up for a ut2004 iMix cup & i had to explain gametypes to zack&kostur along the way, we got raped :,( http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?nid=365641&lid=12442

still much more fun than my "first" excessive war in some time


nonsense repellent declamatory

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: hi
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

...bunch of randoms who play some obscure mod nobody cares about...

... seems like u chose to burn the bridges behind. Go be a pro.