how can i kick somebody
how can i kick/ban somebody from my server?
its so anoying to see them play with no rules
Hi set rcon on the server then write in chat consol /rcon status then u see ppls ip nr then write /rcon kick and ip nr. To ban u write /rcon addip and ip nr
/rcon status also gives all clients a number.
/rcon clientkick 7 will kick the client with number 7 and so on.
THX Bo i forgot to tell that lol
Lol, I have been wondering how to ban someone so your post will help a lot too
u can display a reason if punkbuster is enabled
pb_sv_ban slotnumber+1 reason
it's add 1 because it don't allow client 0.
pb_sv_kick slotnumber+1 timetokick reason
take an look on your ban.txt in the E+ folder put the ip nr in it and the reason so as they connect they see why you dont like the player on your server you dont need bp /rcon clientkick <slotnr> /rcon kick <playername> /callvote kick <playername>
THX a lott u are the best