How Should a Ref+ handle any game !
Hi refs,
This is a small part on how to handle any game that you will be ref for.
- All refs should be neutral to every clanwar they ref, otherwise they shouldnt ref that game !!!
- All refs should be polite no-mather what the case is !
- Any ref should know the rules for each event /g_gametype - /timelimit - map list - players who can / can't play - etc
- If you start a game make sure that both teams/players provide the map they want to play /tell <ref-id> map name pls
- If both teams/players told you the maps, you can ask which one do they prefer to play first, in case they dont have any preferences you are able to set any of given maps
- Before each map starts, ref should check both teams to be locked /lock /invite players /teamready if are !
in case of 1 v 1 /lock
is optional
- when the count down starts 10.. 9.. etc. wish GL and HF both clans/players and start the mvd /startMVD
- When you see someone lag out if both clans don't spot it, take a timeout /ref timeout
when teams are back to their legit team size you could write teamready /ref teamready
- After the map is done and screenshot is taken, ref should stop MVD/stopMVD
- Every ref should decide what teams will do in every problematic situation. ( choosing xp_itemstyle, picking a tie map without agreemence, allowing to avoid some event rule ( in case its neccesary) etc)
If some of you have any ideas or propositions directed to this topic, fell free to post it here.
Created by Spartan, edited by FPS . 17.11.2011
game ll be started when ref say everything is OK. So ref is boss at that game, he ll decide when game is ready, and not clans. So ref come, check all settings. And then he say "GAME IS READY". Then clans can do /teamready.

game ll be started when ref say everything is OK. So ref is boss at that game, he ll decide when game is ready, and not clans. So ref come, check all settings. And then he say "GAME IS READY". Then clans can do /teamready.
thats posted public towards everyone who requests to use the ref service
like it like KISS idea
good ideas but probably we know it :PP
but anyway nice to be sure how it can be

good ideas
but probably we know it :PP
but anyway nice to be sure how it can be
thats just for all the new comers and or for those who did not know or don't know how to handle a game
Ok, another situation [which even had already a place in CW IS vs EDS]:
Teams are coming to a server, Ref is ready [in this case it's Rayden] but then suddenly he noticed a problem. Mainly, one of the EDS players was in trial [Reborn] and EDS leader [Beki] said he have to play because they don't have enough people without him. Rayden refused to ref this game due to this problem [no hard feelings, reasonable and responsible move from his side]. But we - IS - agreeded for his game even if he's only at trial and said it's totally NP. Rayden's left so we pick another "ref" just to record mvd.
Because Reborn was in trial and couldn't officialy play a game for this team - Beki made him a fullmember. But still there's another problem. He just joined this clan and he have to wait one round due to rules [evey new player of the clan have to wait one match before he can play, something like that]. So, because they didn't had enough people for this CW - we said he can play, damn with the rules and let him play, it's only for fun. So we made this game.
Ok, the point is:
Can new recruit-player play a game if both teams agree for it even when rule demands him to wait one round?
Let's don't forget it's all for fun mostly, no clans have money from the game either other material/cash-gains, at least in railonly league. So... OK or not OK?
Look khazz the thing is that i wouldnt allow this game even if i was staying to the server. I left coz i dont have much power to do something so the only thing i cared that moment was to keep my name clean and dont create flames in the war and after. Coz i ma sure all of you that day make some bad comments about me in the server and i didnt wanted to read them
The thing is i suggest to give in refs more power into a game. Not the cups rules are more important than rank rules. Like soccer if the ref says its goal then its goal, if the ref says its penalty its penalty END OF STORY not play back with cameras to see if it was goal or penalty or foul.
If the refs dont have different powers then all other people then is just the same like players and everyone can tell him goaway or insult him or dont listen to his decisions. FUN OR NOT If we have rules we must follow them. And i dont expect from people that is under 18 years old to understand all this coz there parents are responsible for them and they didnt care ( No hard feelings with kids i was doing the same back them).
If we want to have complete and fair judgment of the future facts that will come WE MUST BE HARD with people who dont listen to the rules to keep a clean and fair our favorite game.
Thats my opinion coz lately many facts happened with me and some people around here and i became the BAD guy but i dont care really. Some1 must make a step forward and eat all the shit so we will have better future.

If we want to have complete and fair judgment of the future facts that will come WE MUST BE HARD with people who dont listen to the rules to keep a clean and fair our favorite game.Thats my opinion coz lately many facts happened with me and some people around here and i became the BAD guy but i dont care really. Some1 must make a step forward and eat all the shit so we will have better future.
i think you right, Rayden. Anyway. But i think also, if ref take a hard descision, he must be supported by all Ref team and organisation staff (Sure, if he follow rules). To give a nice status to us, and protection. I see a lot of discusion about bad ref or something else. Descisions must be strict and unrevokable. That why we need support. Refs, for me, must take descisions IN THE NAME OF all ref teams. Follow the same way. For exemple : last Turkey vs Ita, i teamforce all S to have map from both team. I start ref at 20h, i termine with post/uploading demos/screen/ cheking allgoods at 23h. We are not here to chase players descisions, we are not here to be "bad guys", ref team is a service granted by E+ for players. In that way, Players must understand ref status.
I think the same, the ref is a responsibility but is not one for him only but for all refs around. This is why when you become a ref you need to know how to handle these small "what-to-do" situations. (and these are not so many)
This is why we have a forum to discuss these situations in case we don't know what to do and synchronize all the ref members and react alike. Of course there is place for flexibility but the important points should be threaded in the same way.
And i would like to mention something and maybe to open this topic:
There are cases when both clans can't play on the server which both agreed on from the start and then there is a period where both clans are looking for a server. After a while it might happen that a clan like a server while the other one like a different server.
What will the ref decide ? Does the ref has decision word in this problem ?
The passive solution:
My response to this situation is : No. The ref doesn't have the decision word because the game didn't started and it's both clans decision to chose a server to play the game. (The ref can make a proposal/recommendation but he doesn't have the decision word )
What if they can't decide and the time is getting after the limit of the N minutes (N = 15 normally) over the match set time ? What will the ref do ? The ref can again make a proposal/recommendation but he doesn't have the decision word. If the match doesn't start the ref has 2 options: either stay with them until the game start or he can leave considering the match to be postponed from his view..
The active solution:
Another way to handle this is to make the ref to have this decision word and then he will chose one server from the total servers, where both of clans would have balanced advantages (mostly the same ping ) And if one of the clans disagree they might get W.O. for not complying or anti-game (not wanting to play the match fixed = not being ready = not being in the server = W.O.) The W.O. can be given only if the N minutes (N = 15 normally) over the match set time has passed and still the game didn't started.
The passive solution that i normally do has the advantages that it lets them resolve this issue which is by nature a clan management issue. And the disadvantage to taking too long in most of the times.
The active solution has the advantage to take less time until the ref decide to interfere but has the advantage to make a bit mess because one of the clans could believe they were clearly disadvantaged by the ref's server decision and might consider the ref to be an unbiased at that time.
what do you think?
Another situation is on tie rules of certain cups: IT could happen (happened before) for the cup to have the N number of tie maps (where N is an odd number: 1,3,5,7...) and also have a rule saying that the tie maps can be picked as clan map but cannot be tie maps after this.. And will happen that there will be left only (N-1) number of tie maps to be chosen which is an even number (0?? ,2,4,6 ...) and one clan will like a map and the other clan will like another map and none of them want to agree on the tie.what to do then ?
I won't say my opinion in detail but its alike the solutions which i described in the other topic.
Again: what do you think?
And btw if there are problems regarding certain cup rules that are written less understood-able you should try to ask the organizers about what it means and also they to clarify it in the cup's post.
Ranking rules allow newcomers to play without any penalties. The thing rank doesnt allow is playing of trial-members. So as far as he was trial, Rayden was totally right, because if he would allow him to play - this match wouldnt be ranked.
Cup rules werent allowing newcomers to play and forced to wait one match. The problematic situation should be guided by ref, if both team agreed on it, he could allow/disallow newcomer to play this match.
If event managers wouldnt add this game into event that would be ref guilty in case if he allowed newcomer to play, because he knew that he was breaking event rules.