How To Be a PRO-player?
100 % having fun
30% wall hack
30% aimbot
10% autoshot
30% other little cheats
So, what i can say here...
I've always been used old ball mouse since i began play in Q3. My mouse costs about 1$ now. It have scroller by pressing on which i keep Rocket in hands
So, practically always i really suck... besides, i ain't got stillpad, the mouse is moved very bad on the table... Thus i have f*cking RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) thru 20-30 minutes from start playing and therefore i feel my hand stoooooned and can't move this one neither
By the way in two last month i have connected to another ISP and my ping is very bad now, and lags are many... In last two months i can't play on practically all quake servers i.e. my love BEER.FREEZER (early ZOMBIE.FREEZER). I feel myself "confortable" only on BRO EXCESSIVE 1v1 and sometimes on few (HK) servers... "Comfortable" means ~200 ping (:
I tried play with optical mouse in few days and i like it! As far as i remember i rocked Psy said it me (Thanks Psy <3)
So, Currently I have not too bad job and my birthday is veeeery soon (15 July)! And i want make a gift for myself:
The conclusion:
Further I'm going to do some results. I won't make percentage, and I'll just create list. Further list is orded by low (in the top - more seriously)
1. Conditions
here are equipment (mouse, monitor, et cetera...) environment around yourself and your work place. In my case I ain't got my own room, i've alwatys been lived in a hall there practically always members of my family in the hall, and it means there are fucking chats, sometimes TV, telephoning conversations and other shit. Those all don't take me a chance for concentrate in the game
2. Sure, it is internet connection
How i wrote above i have really BIG problems now...
3. Sure, it is experience
The more you play, the you become better (this is a fact)
4. Sure, map knowlarge
BFG spots (when you make nicemove.wav and fly very fasrt, some newbies think that is bullet ), so spawn spots. In last time i earn many frags by shooting in spawn spots in correct time!
Luck? Hm.. don't know about luck, but i know luck exists! And some times it helps me... but seldom... (it means i'm UNLUCKY!!! )
And yet one:
I actually noticed the gear you play with plays a big role in how you manage.
I used to have a 20€ Labtec optical mouse from a bookstore but today I bought a Logitech G5 from a computer shop. And to be honest it does make some difference. Though I had to drop my sensitivity from 4.5 to 2.5 I still learned pretty quickly how to use this new mouse. The only thing I dislike in this mouse is the MOUSE3. It's hard to press, so I had to change my railgun button to MOUSE4 instead. But I learned that pretty quickly too.
weapen buttens on mouse i have on my 5€ keybord so is izier 1 hand for movements and weapen change and other for mouse so can u set ur cross perfect on enemys ass :twisted: change it
It's actually pretty fast if you have bounded on mouse. Rail is there because it requires aiming and fastness. No need to think about position of the key in the keyboard just click on mouse and shoot him into peaces.
Ok so the weapons bind system I use.
MOUSE3-4: Railgun
G: Plasmagun (yeah I whore it)
1: Gauntlet
2: Machinegun
3: Shotgun
4: Grenade Launcher
5: Rocket Launcher
6: Lightning Gun
I can do BFG+Rocket-shots, quick Railshots and use BFG and Grenade to movement.
name yourself dark and get good looking
n1 but all cheats 110% pro cheat but we play pb pure :twisted: