HYPER 2:1 {N*T*G}/11.11.06/RANKED
1 map q3ctf4 (ntg choice) NTG 1 : 0 HYper
2 map q3dm7 (tag hyper choice) Hyper 24 : 4 NTG
tie map q3dm6 (tag) hyper 28: 7 NTG
GG hyper
i forgot to close fraps befor

1 map q3ctf4 (ntg choice) NTG 1 : 0 HYper
2 map q3dm7 (tag hyper choice) Hyper 24 : 4 NTG
tie map q3dm7 (tag) hyper 28: 7 NTGGG hyper
i forgot to close fraps befor
=/ gg
1-0 on ctf nice one
Just curious, ctf was with ff 1?
I don't play much ctf so can't tell from the screens
OMG very well played ntg One point very very well
GG! both

Just curious, ctf was with ff 1?
I don't play much ctf so can't tell from the screens
i normaly never play ctf
sry it's my guilt....no kill the ntg player whit owr flag:(sry again.... fuck lag.
np hardcore.
never seend that map before ;]
and i play ctf 1 in 3 months I guess you to.
wellyou had fun right?