iFT config

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Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: iFT config

Just add vq physics instead :V
with pmove_accurate 1 I feel like I cant strafe at all. which was the main reason qlinsta1.8 sucked.

You feel wrong. You're able to do bridge to rail on DM6 with pmove_accurate 1 and the rest of expected jumps as well.

The config is by no means perfect at least because it has several bugs which currently can't be resolved. pmove_accurate 1 is not the evil here.

EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: iFT config
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

3m'genesis wrote:
well , u need to actually know how to strafe before saying u cant do it , u cant blame the cfg for u being terrible Happy , thanks hrd this sounds nice can't wait to try it.

...or perhaps he knows how to strafe but the cfg is terrible, u can't judge before testing cfg and when you were writing this you haven't done that yet Happy ... Just plain logic Tongue but imo you are right and he doesn't know how to strafe xdddd lolz double trolling success

ahaha fuckin tellol Tongue

Forum moderator
Blitz's picture
Joined: Mar 2009
Re: iFT config

Hrd make some event on it and let's see if it's worth something Tongue

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: iFT config

Tested and its an "average" config on its best.

The only thing wich would not allow me to play on it is the ridiculous anticamp of 14 second, are you camper or what?

This mod promotes fast gameplay and what do you want to promote with this config? camp!

I do respect the effort of atleast trying to do something but that is it.

I rate this config 3.5/10 with stronger anti-camp it would be a 6/10.

Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: iFT config

Thank you for the feedback Jeff.

Anti-camp alert has been reduced to 12 seconds. Gonna check how does it feels tonight.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: iFT config
eu.jeff wrote:

Tested and its an "average" config on its best.

The only thing wich would not allow me to play on it is the ridiculous anticamp of 14 second, are you camper or what?

This mod promotes fast gameplay and what do you want to promote with this config? camp!

I do respect the effort of atleast trying to do something but that is it.

I rate this config 3.5/10 with stronger anti-camp it would be a 6/10.

Happy Just being curious, any railonly cfg that u would rate 9/10 or 10/10 ? also is there any that you would rate 1/10 ?
It's actually a good poll question, which configs are best on railonly side, not most popular, but best in gameplay... I'm curious Smug

I personally would put 9/10 r4e09f and my rr.cfg v6 10/10 xd bananarail.cfg propably 7/10 just because I hate those bfg jumps and granades on railonly side... qlinsta.cfg, hmmm 8.5/10 Happy

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: iFT config
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

eu.jeff wrote:
Tested and its an "average" config on its best.

The only thing wich would not allow me to play on it is the ridiculous anticamp of 14 second, are you camper or what?

This mod promotes fast gameplay and what do you want to promote with this config? camp!

I do respect the effort of atleast trying to do something but that is it.

I rate this config 3.5/10 with stronger anti-camp it would be a 6/10.

Happy Just being curious, any railonly cfg that u would rate 9/10 or 10/10 ? also is there any that you would rate 1/10 ?
It's actually a good poll question, which configs are best on railonly side, not most popular, but best in gameplay... I'm curious Smug

I personally would put 9/10 r4e09f and my rr.cfg v6 10/10 xd bananarail.cfg propably 7/10 just because I hate those bfg jumps and granades on railonly side... qlinsta.cfg, hmmm 8.5/10 Happy

You sir are a fool!

banana is 1/10 because of the complete bullshit use of weapenary!

Apologize or you are idiot!

Any config with a high amount of seconds before anti-camp kicks in is lower then 5/10 points...


|¯FC_| Suchspeed<-
Joined: Dec 2005
ES Spain
Re: iFT config

Lsf in

Aero wrote:
who enters into my anus kurwa!!!!!

Joined: Mar 2012
RU Russian Federation
Re: iFT config

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: iFT config
eu.jeff wrote:

!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:
eu.jeff wrote:
Tested and its an "average" config on its best.

The only thing wich would not allow me to play on it is the ridiculous anticamp of 14 second, are you camper or what?

This mod promotes fast gameplay and what do you want to promote with this config? camp!

I do respect the effort of atleast trying to do something but that is it.

I rate this config 3.5/10 with stronger anti-camp it would be a 6/10.

Happy Just being curious, any railonly cfg that u would rate 9/10 or 10/10 ? also is there any that you would rate 1/10 ?
It's actually a good poll question, which configs are best on railonly side, not most popular, but best in gameplay... I'm curious Smug

I personally would put 9/10 r4e09f and my rr.cfg v6 10/10 xd bananarail.cfg propably 7/10 just because I hate those bfg jumps and granades on railonly side... qlinsta.cfg, hmmm 8.5/10 Happy

You sir are a fool!

banana is 1/10 because of the complete bullshit use of weapenary!

Apologize or you are idiot!

Any config with a high amount of seconds before anti-camp kicks in is lower then 5/10 points...


First of all I apologize.
Secondly wanted to add that I have 1/10 propositon, I would rate Instagib(low).cfg... why? because of double jump xd because of instant thaw, because of gauntlet making you run faster, because their is no teammate rail knockback ! and I love to push teammates into voids :E 0/10 :E