in search of a MX 518 1600 dpi
It seems like my mouse is dying, thats why i try to find a "new" one!
i was searching with google for a mx518 with 1600 dpi, but everywhere i was asking are only the new ones with 1800 dpi available...
thats why i create this topic here, maybe someone can help me to find one, or someone owns a new one or a used one in good shape...
Thanks in advance!!!
Whats the problem with 1800dpi?
I dont like it, cant find right sens and stuff. feels not smooth at all.
so install Logitech drivers and change to 1600 dpi
It has a different sensor and should give a different feel (ask Laktos,
he is the expert on this). Some swedish stores are still carrying the
rev1 version, or they just suck at updating their websites with
afaik the v3 is sold at roughly 50€ in most stores, the 1600dpi should sell for around 30. But try emailing them and ask to make sure.
(computercity, onoff, teknikmagasinet etc)
If you are from Germany like your Location tells me:
i would prefer tecstore. Already did some deals there.
Btw.Before i would ask if its the 1600dpi version.
i tested the 1600 dpi version and what can i say about it, i wouldnt call it any optimal for aiming at all, its just fine if u are used to it.
u can however, calculate the exact sensitivity between the 1.6k and the 1.8k ver, just take ur sens * 0.8888
I dont like the new one with 1800dpi, cant find right sens and stuff. feels not smooth at all.
A turbo: Exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster. - Jeremy Clarkson