This map is inspired by "Inferno" from Unreal 2004!
Its has a HOT FireRain-feature and is nice for PTE, i think!
Gametype : FFA, Tourney
Numbers of players : 5-14 players
Theme : gothic/hell theme
Nice map!
i like what you did with the ambiance and shaders! looks great
The fire rain shader is great idea!
there is a teleporter bellow the center area ? i found 1 time to be teleported when i was beneath it but i couldnt find it again.
also i saw you can walk the mountain sides near the lava but you cant hide from anyone there
looks great map! i havent tested it in real gameplay and i outlooked the items position
its interesting that on the bottom center ledge if you are beneath and you jump you get into/thru the ledge on your way up (from down to up) you can also shot in it and will pass it (the ledge). this gives more strategy to where to stay on it .. the legde is not a hiding place if the enemy is bellow ..
well done man. Its a great map for pte i think and not only ..
i havent played too much unreal 2004
but congrats on this. awesome!
hmm i wonder how this will be with 14 players on it or 10
P.s. it reminds me of a map in starcraft 2 called same Incineration Zone also with lot of lava
I wanted to test the map together, but well
Tested alone.
True, this map is nice for PTE : I like it.
So what u can do to be compatible PTE for e+ :
* change flags textures you have to excessive plus CTF flags
* make it CTF compatible too by adding CTF entities (red/blue flags, spawns, starts, and neutral flag)
* add the wall on screenshotl on the other side for all gametypes or at least for ctf, oneflag on an func_static entity.
* and rename the map to xppte2 following the rules we have defined
gl hf and good work again
looks nice man good work
good job
Some of those remind me of q3tourney3 and q3dm3.
Like the map, I don't think you should stretch textures, it's alright with this map but it can look icky and blurred. And what's with the curved bouncepads and pentagrams? Looks weird.
makin a pack of 3 maps again:
2nd is a small CTF

Kid´s Showcase