hello again here i can give you cfg from polamg rail server where we play freezetag
this config is mix of r4e and old polamg config its r4e with hook XD crazy feature D+
benek wez przestan sie udzielac:D
are polamg servers still hosted by that cheater or is he gone now?

are polamg servers still hosted by that cheater or is he gone now?
no no that was the german servers...
the pol amg are the hiszly pol amg clan
from warrior ...nice good friendly guy......

are polamg servers still hosted by that cheater or is he gone now?no no that was the german servers...
the pol amg are the hiszly pol amg clan
from warrior ...nice good friendly guy......
but same old ip address, also i heard many times about admin / admins of this server, after vip it was mrowka, now other guy warrior...
so, new admins and old ip
or its still same old 'guy' wip or vip, i dont remember now
anyway ATN server is hosted by a cheater too, mohammed is on ATN and they rock as he said
maybe admin that host server for them gaves them his aimbots too
server for moneys and bonus, free aimbots for all clan members

are polamg servers still hosted by that cheater or is he gone now?no no that was the german servers...
the pol amg are the hiszly pol amg clan
from warrior ...nice good friendly guy......
but same old ip address, also i heard many times about admin / admins of this server, after vip it was mrowka, now other guy warrior...
so, new admins and old ip
or its still same old 'guy' wip or vip, i dont remember now
anyway ATN server is hosted by a cheater too, mohammed is on ATN and they rock as he saidmaybe admin that host server for them gaves them his aimbots too
server for moneys and bonus, free aimbots for all clan members
ohhh or this can be true.... :!:
polamg now are hosted by son of mrowka
and all have support for pure (like all servers) and PB:)
and they are not united with hiszy (and that warrior admin who banned me without reason xD - maybe iam cheater?!) ;] that servers have fu*ing good rail4ever conf + hook