L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

10 replies [Last post]
purgatory_ist's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
TR Turkey

Round Number: IV
RS* vs PRO

1st map q3dm14: 185 - 172 for RS* ( PRO choice)
2nd map q3dm11: 222 - 151 for RS* (RS* choice)

Gametype: TDM
Timelimit: 15
Fraglimit: 0
Pure: Enable
Punkbuster: Enable
Referee: Faith


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Faith's picture
Joined: Dec 2004
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

Map: q3dm14
Time: Match complete

Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------
[`]+!K . RS* : 70 59 0 17:01 246 54 66 59620 49140
*PRO.KABAN.OSSI! : 72 54 0 17:00 254 55 62 54698 44559
*PRO.AMIGOS! : 56 49 0 16:59 197 56 48 49875 38306
RO(=(=A . RS* : 50 47 0 16:19 183 50 48 40620 39719
RAKMACKA . RS* : 48 49 1 16:58 169 50 43 41438 40104
*PRO.LINPATH! : 41 40 0 17:01 144 52 39 37037 33268
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS* : 34 41 0 16:53 120 43 28 26722 35005
*PRO.COLINAS! : 34 66 1 16:59 120 30 23 23809 53718

Map: q3dm11
Time: Match complete

Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------
RO(=(=A . RS* : 77 30 0 18:14 253 71 75 64606 26186
*PRO.AMIGOS! : 72 73 0 18:14 236 50 64 62530 62199
RAKMACKA . RS* : 67 33 0 18:14 220 67 61 57670 28073
[`]+!K . RS* : 57 56 0 18:14 187 49 53 47012 48170
*PRO.LINPATH! : 37 48 0 18:14 121 45 35 33920 40546
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS* : 35 43 0 13:25 156 45 31 32283 39327
*PRO.WANDALIA! : 26 45 0 17:43 88 36 26 22091 37627
*PRO.COLINAS! : 30 71 0 18:14 98 28 26 23967 60491

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

gg both

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

KickZ's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

gg both clans!

nice Clan Purg;)

<drt_nihil> we about wolf and wolf is here

(@enha) damn you, people are dancing, instead of work
(@drt_foksie) she mutated

purgatory_ist's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
TR Turkey
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED
"C4-KICKZ" wrote:

gg both clans!

nice Clan Purg;)

thnks kickz really RS members are good. :twisted:

and we are waiting 20 minutes for one PRO clan member. so we didnt want to win with wo .
this is more good Happy Big grin

this is good example rfor others clans Idea


phenomen_one's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

gg both! nice RS!

Iznogoud's picture
Joined: Mar 2004
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

GG both teams!

Bättre pissa i stuprännan än stupa i pissrännan !

stoffel's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

nice game RS Cool

BUGS *WGVD* wrote:

The Marcel Reich-Ranicki of Quake has spoken Winking jk

Ufasas's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

u were waiting for me, soz guys i suked, i couldnt help my clan, we could have better war Confused real sorry pros

I would teach you how to play, but I don't know myself!
Cfg used
Mice owned
My girlfriend

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

Arrow :: Q3DM14 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
[`]+!K . RS* 70 59 0 17:01 246 54.8 11 66
*PRO.KABAN.OSSI! 72 54 0 17:00 254 55.1 18 62
*PRO.AMIGOS! 56 49 0 16:59 197 56.6 7 48
RO(=(=A . RS* 50 47 0 16:19 183 50.6 3 48
RAKMACKA . RS* 48 49 1 16:58 169 50.8 -1 43
*PRO.LINPATH! 41 40 0 17:01 144 52.7 1 39
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS 34 41 0 16:53 120 43.3 -7 28
*PRO.COLINAS! 34 66 1 16:59 120 30.7 -32 23

Arrow :: Q3DM11 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
RO(=(=A . RS* 77 30 0 18:14 253 71.2 47 75
*PRO.AMIGOS! 72 73 0 18:14 236 50.1 -1 64
RAKMACKA . RS* 67 33 0 18:14 220 67.3 34 61
[`]+!K . RS* 57 56 0 18:14 187 49.4 1 53
*PRO.LINPATH! 37 48 0 18:14 121 45.6 -11 35
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS 35 43 0 13:25 156 45.1 -8 31
*PRO.WANDALIA! 26 45 0 17:43 88 37.0 -19 26
*PRO.COLINAS! 30 71 0 18:14 98 28.4 -41 26

Arrow :: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
RO(=(=A . RS* 127 77 0 34:33 220 61.5 50 123
[`]+!K . RS* 127 115 0 35:15 216 52.3 12 119
*PRO.AMIGOS! 128 122 0 35:13 218 52.8 6 112
RAKMACKA . RS* 115 82 1 35:12 196 59.2 33 104
*PRO.LINPATH! 78 88 0 35:15 132 49.0 -10 74
*PRO.KABAN.OSSI! 72 54 0 17:00 254 55.1 18 62
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS 69 84 0 30:18 136 44.3 -15 59
*PRO.COLINAS! 64 137 1 35:13 109 29.5 -73 49
*PRO.WANDALIA! 26 45 0 17:43 88 37.0 -19 26

:: Scorers ::

Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*PRO.KABAN.OSS 254.1 190.6 55.1 63.5 218.8
RO(=(=A . RS* 220.5 133.7 61.5 86.8 213.6
[`]+!K . RS* 216.2 195.7 52.3 20.4 202.6
*PRO.AMIGOS! 218.1 207.9 52.8 10.2 190.8
RAKMACKA . RS* 196.0 139.8 59.2 56.3 177.3
*PRO.LINPATH! 132.8 149.8 49.0 -17.0 126.0
PL_]RG+][()RY 136.6 166.3 44.3 -29.7 116.8
*PRO.WANDALIA! 88.1 152.4 37.0 -64.3 88.1
*PRO.COLINAS! 109.0 233.4 29.5 -124.4 83.5


:: Kill - Death ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
RO(=(=A . RS* 220.5 133.7 213.6 61.5 86.8
*PRO.KABAN.OSS 254.1 190.6 218.8 55.1 63.5
RAKMACKA . RS* 196.0 139.8 177.3 59.2 56.3
[`]+!K . RS* 216.2 195.7 202.6 52.3 20.4
*PRO.AMIGOS! 218.1 207.9 190.8 52.8 10.2
*PRO.LINPATH! 132.8 149.8 126.0 49.0 -17.0
PL_]RG+][()RY 136.6 166.3 116.8 44.3 -29.7
*PRO.WANDALIA! 88.1 152.4 88.1 37.0 -64.3
*PRO.COLINAS! 109.0 233.4 83.5 29.5 -124.4


:: Efficiency ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
RO(=(=A . RS* 220.5 133.7 213.6 86.8 61.5
RAKMACKA . RS* 196.0 139.8 177.3 56.3 59.2
*PRO.KABAN.OSS 254.1 190.6 218.8 63.5 55.1
*PRO.AMIGOS! 218.1 207.9 190.8 10.2 52.8
[`]+!K . RS* 216.2 195.7 202.6 20.4 52.3
*PRO.LINPATH! 132.8 149.8 126.0 -17.0 49.0
PL_]RG+][()RY 136.6 166.3 116.8 -29.7 44.3
*PRO.WANDALIA! 88.1 152.4 88.1 -64.3 37.0
*PRO.COLINAS! 109.0 233.4 83.5 -124.4 29.5


:: Killers ::

Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*PRO.KABAN.OSS 190.6 218.8 55.1 63.5 254.1
RO(=(=A . RS* 133.7 213.6 61.5 86.8 220.5
*PRO.AMIGOS! 207.9 190.8 52.8 10.2 218.1
[`]+!K . RS* 195.7 202.6 52.3 20.4 216.2
RAKMACKA . RS* 139.8 177.3 59.2 56.3 196.0
PL_]RG+][()RY 166.3 116.8 44.3 -29.7 136.6
*PRO.LINPATH! 149.8 126.0 49.0 -17.0 132.8
*PRO.COLINAS! 233.4 83.5 29.5 -124.4 109.0
*PRO.WANDALIA! 152.4 88.1 37.0 -64.3 88.1


- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

Amigos's picture
Joined: May 2006
L4 :: RS* 2:0 PRO/04.11.06/RANKED

So GG and THX for this nice war and fairness from RS site to wait....
but it was not our day so sry....Rs gl in next cw!

Im horny on Q3......SEX, ALCOHOL AND QUAKE IS THE ONLY I NEED....Big grin

Quake III Arena E+ MOD 4 LiFe