L6 :: *TC* 2:0 RS/19.11.06/RANKED
6. Round TDM-League
*TC* - 499|292 - RS || q3dm17 *TC*-map
*TC* - 296|255 - RS || q3dm11 RS-map
- Time: Saturday 18.11.2006 20:00 GMT = 21:00 CET
- Server: LINK
- Referee BERT
GG RS nice game !!
GG !!
gg .. thnks bert
*TC* SARU is *HB*SARUMAN HE is playing the same time the different clans. like a ntg first clan match.
is it possible this?
27.If a player start the league with a clan and then move to another which is also participateing in the league, must wait 3 games before playing in the new one.
hmm i quess this is rule . one player dont play two differnt clan at the same time..
*TC*SARU didnt play in this cw, and he left HB so whats the problem?? GG anyway!
ggs :blackeye:
demo's and stats
i was a bit sleepy so somthing went wrong with pov.
also there was a fakenicking admin which i accidentaly kicked out.
well played
TC Saru is new one player and he will not play any cw till he will gain better skill on our trainings, he have now status 'recruit' in our clan and if u want know what this means I can only say that he can only play FW and watch cw's not allowed to play any, specially not tdm league matches and if he is on HB clan still he must make fast decission where he want to stay.
GG anyway!
..probably HB clan dont updated their clanDB..
yes man sry he is true i forgot uptated our clandb! GG also!
Bert sry this demo on map q3dm17 is bad camera - on the bed
TC Saru is new one player and he will not play any cw till he will gain better skill on our trainings, he have now status 'recruit' in our clan and if u want know what this means I can only say that he can only play FW and watch cw's not allowed to play any, specially not tdm league matches and if he is on HB clan still he must make fast decission where he want to stay.
GG anyway!
..probably HB clan dont updated their clanDB..