L8 PHC Elite 2:0 DA/03.12.2006/RANKED
TDM League #8 run: PHC Elite vs DA
q3dm17 - PHC chose
436 : 356
q3dm11 - DA chose
217 : 201
3. December 2006, Sunday 23:00 GMT
Server: #4 & 1, Referee: Faith
gg DA, thanks for match
damn great on dm11 i was overfilled by adrenaline
GG! Omg soooo close.....
ggs teams Doc rocks man :twisted:
Hello again! Its no offense against Faith and I missed last CW, but I heard that Da ask for server #6 and the referee denied because he didnt have rcon for that. He also said, that we must play on that server they was or its WO. What? Referee doesnt have rcon for league server and why we could not select another server? Again: I have no personally problem with referee or anyone from PHC!
gg DA! nice PHC!
GG PHC was nice to play with you's
Bad refree from faith will not use him again was very imature.
Not going to go into details but if he wants then be sure to leave a reply.
Hmm.. what should I start with..
First of all… as usual DA game announcement was posted late.. (tho it can be explained with events forum downtime). Secondly the arranged time was 23 GMT (24:00 CET – midnight) at first when I had read it on forums.. I was like WTF? Probably a mistype or sth..
@ 23:30 (CET) – Budman paged me at msn.. with a question “Who is ref in our game?” I was bit taken-aback with that question.. even tho i was sleepy, and i knew that tomorrow ill have a tough day at uni.. I decided to help em’ out..
Few minutes after midnight I’ve connected to TDM-L server #6 (us one). What I’ve heard was whining from some DA’s that they cant play on this server coz its laggy for them.. I had explained them that PHC as ONLY US clan participating in league, has the right to play their map on US server.. DA|BASE found it kinda unfair.. but anyways the game started as planed.. after dm17 was finished I said: “connect to server #1” and on msn I gave both clan leaders IP’s
When I connected to server #1, Rage said that they want to play on server #6 – I’ve told him that’s not possible (at least for me) since the rcon/refpass that Dragon provided me isn’t working any more…and I wont be able to admin the game (change maps, warmup, ect)
Guess what did Rage reply?.. that its my problem, and that they are going to play on #6 server.. It was to hard for him to understand that ITS NOTPOSSIBLE for me to do my ref job on that server.. I could’ve understand their will to change the server, if #1 was bad for them (like ping or packet loss) but look at the screens ~50 ms for DA…
The reason was just to piss me off, congratz you did it professional way.

Bad refree from faith will not use him again was very imature.
Whatever.. wonder which other GOOD referee would ref your game if it wasn’t me..

I have no personally problem with referee
I’ve also haven’t got probs with DA as a clan, I think/know that there are nice people there.. Not counting one TARD which is causing problems since the beginning of the league…
Anywayz.. demos + stats added.
[code:1]Map: q3dm17
Time: Match complete
Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
PHC.JOEYB : 149 117 0 18:00 496 56 139 133668 101997
PHC.BIOHAZARD : 149 101 3 17:20 515 59 134 130664 90009
.DA|ROBBO. : 119 118 3 17:54 398 49 114 104705 105307
.DA|RAGE. : 110 98 3 16:25 402 50 103 91700 88595
PHC.BUDMAN : 96 88 1 18:03 319 54 91 87970 74594
.DA|TAC. : 83 132 0 18:01 276 38 83 74448 117824
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN : 78 80 2 17:32 266 51 72 70492 67387
.DA|BASE. : 63 113 5 18:00 210 34 56 54537 102471
Map: q3dm11
Time: Match complete
Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
.DA|RAGE. : 81 44 0 15:31 313 63 73 66668 38140
PHC.DOCTOR : 61 45 0 15:31 235 56 61 51731 39189
PHC.JOEYB : 64 51 0 15:31 247 56 60 54736 42339
PHC.BIOHAZARD : 57 67 0 15:31 220 47 57 49121 54894
.DA|TAC. : 52 72 1 15:31 201 40 49 41118 61599
.DA|ROBBO. : 47 60 0 15:31 181 44 41 41057 51472
PHC.LIL*BUDMAN : 45 55 0 15:31 174 47 39 39388 43775
.DA|BASE. : 44 57 0 15:31 170 42 38 36767 49178 [/code:1]
C'mon guys, there is no need for this after-match bitterness and angst. It isn't Faith's fault that he didn't had rcon for the server you wanted to play.
No reason to cry over spilt milk now, it just shows that checking out every little shit a while before the match starts pays off in the end...
Keep it chilling all, gg's.
Thanks for your reply Faith! I know its NOT your fault, that rcon didnt work on server #6. I dont want to start a long discussion here about "why server #1 isnt good for us". I just would to make a warn, because I thought clans CAN decide on which server they want to play. Should be fine if this shit never happen again. Thank you for reading.
gg DA very close matches.