is it lag i have
i need to get it out of the server everyone is saying that they have lag
how do i remove it from excessive plus
the old excessive did not have any lag
windows 2003
oc 3 internet 12mbs upload
What kind of lag are we talking about?
Does their pings go up?
Or maybe your server provider have network problems? -> Packetloss?
Also what point release do you use? XP is written for 1.32. I've heard that
1.32 mods can cause trouble on 1.30/1.31.
Excessive is 1.29 so it's compatible till 1.32.
But beside this, we have optimised Excessive Plus to use less bandwidth as Excessive does.
(In theory OC-3 -> 155.52 MBit/s -> 19.44 MB/s)
When I play with a friend of mine I can play normal (I host) but he can't even move and has a ping of 999, but when we play normal quake everything works fine.
I've not yet tested it with 1.31 but I've seen that the country detection does
not work like it should.
Why don't you use 1.32?
(btw, 1.0rc2 was just released)
Congratulations I now have lag on my own pc while hosting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have you remove the old version off excessive that can give a problem
i make a mistake have you remove the old version off excessiveplus. 2 diferend versions give a prob whit ping
i have see you on me server and you dont have a bad ping there you play there whit your friend i see and dont forgot this are not big rent servers whit 100mbit ore something mij connection are 8mbits down and
524 upload and there are the probs hope too get this month 1048 upload
than it are again a litle better
greeting edy+ of in het hollands groeten edy+