Lakerman case

with all respect mr camel but nothing you say makes sense, and the video you posted doesn't prove anything, actually py recording you play 1 single game i would make a better video that shows that you are the biggest cheater ever.well your demo doesn't give any thing, and by spectating lakerman and Mohamed i guess that this is just a bullshit, and besides what i have seen that you only viewed the shots that hit, what about the ones that he missed, i believe that this is an unfair banning, and so what if James told you that he uses cheats, he always say so much shit , why you took this on all Jordanians and ban the entire ip range.
well if it comes to this i can and will soon post videos that make anybody plays quake a cheater.Well I were suspected so many times that I wont be surprised of anything
About the ip's range, James and rest of the Jordan players are using same subnet, their ip's also change, it is sad that to ban 1 single person we have to ban all others from same subnet I know, but on this case it is not so horrible, cuz 2 more Jordan players were suspected of cheating too and as Dee said they could share their cheats togheter.
Anyway ban on aim servers will persist a month or 2 due to a non 101% solid proofs that James cheated (PB didnt caught him with msg #AIMBOT or smth else, why? not all of the cheats are detectable and the mostly not those custom hacks that you can buy for the moneys over internet)
As I said, I make a decision to ban whole Jordan subnet and I cant cancel it by now (there are also no solid proofs that they are not cheating at all)
The decision was made because of 2 persons
Mistress that informed me about everything on the time when I already suspected mohammed by my own and because of
Dee that informed me by his own via MSN about James admitting to have cheats on his computer and the probability that he could share his q3 & cheat with rest of other his cousins.wrote:
Well, the problem is that they are already banned everywhere, but not because there was any solid evidence at all, but because james said that he has cheats on his computer (but that didn't used them).Beast, no offence but if you cant see an edges shot there and you saying that it is caused by higher ping (120-150) or maybe a newest mod version?
then you screw up something on this mod that we see such things very often, I didnt saw so many shots on deex freeze a long time ago on 1.03 as now I am seeing, there were a much higher pingers there than these guys.
Also I still see Jordan players on Beer or other servers, so they are not banned everywhere.topic will be cleaned for sure, too much crap talking here that just made a one big mess
PS: please one of the Jordan's, explain for our peoples here all of your nicknames, make a list with nicks who is who, cuz I am confused now, I dont know who is posting here and who plays on the servers or who was accused, you are making too much noise with new accounts, or I got idea, use screenname on forums and type there your real nickname and tell other jordans who got account here already to do the same
as a new user , i deleted some of ur msg , but i dont know how you read it
you confused me and i though last words wasnt mine, cuz you should quote also this first '...and tell other jordans...' that would be np for me
as I said i didnt deleted any other posts cuz i simply wasnt here for sometime, blame someone else
//edit: someone moved your friends post into trashcan
Camel, why do you think it´s Scrindlebeeper who wrote this?
And if you aren´t sure, why you named the jpeg Scrindlebeeper?
Btw, i don´t think it´s him, coz he is straight and he don´t have to hide himself under other nick
cuz I see only one player from GB on ATN clandb
also I heard that its their clan fellow, so it was logical for me that he wanted to defend them, if its not rly him then sry