Lakerman case
doomcore, as long as people could have heard u in any way, u can skip the reaction time and go below the needed reaction limit, my min time is 69 msec.
and on another note doocmore, ur hyper mate narc couldnt know where i stood either since it was start of game, still he fragged me within 100 msec. -> impossible.
No way he heard me!!! I was the most weird and suspicious situation I had since I play on beer server!!!
Well, the thing is simple, dont make an accuse if u do not have a demo, at least.
Doomcore, u cheat as well, i am 100 % sure of it. :roll:
You truly are a whining clown Doomcore, a 2000 game 50eff whining clown. You had the chance to record me atleast a 100 times now, or ask your spectating admin friend to do so. I don't doubt for one second you actually are crazy. It was a basic situation, I was waiting for you to thaw your teammate. No crazy frag there. Again Can Beer admins please post the logs.
I hope you do spectate me every other game I now play, because rest assured accusatory dipshit motherfucker, that I have nothing to hide.

nickname: Mohammed
what you think, cheat or not?
Incidentally it's the same guy/guys that played with me against Doomcore, where he chose to accuse me in his infinte wisdom.
When i read this thread i have so much fun so many talking, accusing, conjectures others - HE CAN'T BE BETTER THAN ME!!!; if he's better i will make appearances on forum that i'm better.
-->YEAHH!!! he shot me down with 0ms reaction (once) now i have proof (he made x,y,z) (muahahaha i got you bastard)
- don't you think that most of this impossible shoots and reaction time is BY ACCIDENT??
Some guys are like politics on which they for sure complain but they don't see that they are simmilar muahahha
Accusing, fighting on words, complaining without any real justification, only subjective opinion.
Just someone want feel better and accuse someone. (don't talking about friendly flaming - like i say to my friend that he cheat (after nice shoot) he understand that at real it means great shoot mate )
Someone said something about spoiling the fun LOL.
THAT DISCUSSION SPOIL THE FUN, also peoples with you can't talk freely on server, peoples when never say - HAHA on chat game (even if they smile at real), no smilling, no reaction - JUST GAME&FRAG. For me game is not only important, I WANT MEET SOME PEOPLE ON SERVER NOT ONLY FRAG THEM.
Guys which found their own mission like Skull - "i see hacks" lol - tell me - HOW CAN I PLAY WITH HIM AND ENJOY? if i take one good shoot (no PB, ehh thats even no matter if on:P) he will accuse. That KIND of fun i don't like. But he brings me smille anyway when i see for example posts like Beast made also

agreed, good players "telling" another gamer they cheat without evidence is helping every noob to think half the community cheats, though its pissing me off.
It doesn't help noobs like you said. 1st of all why noobs think that we are cheaters is EXCESSIVE SPEED and that they don't understand what is going on (like me at beggining)
I think different. It's JUST YOU, you make muddle in the forum, confusion.
I have more respect to players which REAlLY enjoy this game and they don't need be so "skilled" than skull and other who accuse wrong peoples like politics to make only confusion in air. They just need be nice guys!! Smille enough!
Respect for real cheater busters like Camel for example who do it really well.
Respect for all who do something good for this place, for us. Now what i will writte isn't atack on you guys. Some guys doing great things but forget about people for whom it does . It seems for me that some gold guys treated us in Advance (feeling better than someone) and it manifested in game for example
. I kill you twice in row and you say nothing on chat, even no smille
I take it like ignorance after so many hours spent together on forum and game. For example Laktos YES!
But wait! whoow whow WHOOW. It seems that i accused him! that he's a bad man haha - wrong . I know that this our "golden man" is nice and enjoy this game so much, he like us and what i said about ignorance is wrong - i know but this my small problem is that the no-shows that hehe smille bind would be just great hehehe.
I know i know...that what i wrote shouldn't be posted by myself but i've posted it I guess that 90% won't understand me (wtf he want)
I want not only technical progress (new mod version) that's not so important for me as HARMONY in relationship.
We have so great new mod now, but nothing new in "mental" side (overall peoples as whole forum, not single golden guys)
Still the same politic that's why i don't see any progress (only technical side)
different btween skull and camel is camel hunts on ducks and skull try hunt elephant ;]
u guys would be suprised how many 'pro' players use some extra programs.
Well said, Pomocnik.

u guys would be suprised how many 'pro' players use some extra programs.
By all means, surprise us!
I cant post here demos, they are from my pov, you need q3mme to change to his point of view, i can send one privatelly taken on dm6
but i made new video
it was on dm6, map just started, second round, i was walking at down of the pillars and he didnt saw me or heard me, but as you can see he aimed at me and shooted, unfortunelly into a wall
I noticed his odd shots few days ago on aim freeze and today on beer, on dm7 when he was flying on the center of the map with high speed and railed me, he couldnt see or hear me, it think he had autoshoot enabled in that time, sad that i wasnt recording.
same goes for the way narcyz killed me doomcore, noway he could hear me, game just started, we both respawned right that moment so...
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."