Leage what to do's
We discussed key bindings last training and we have 2 ideas, one based on HQ's ideas and one on rudz ideas. I think we use both.
On dm14, which we play on ALL matches we need to have a FAST easy to understand way of communication so I think we use the A1 (Attack position 1) D1 (Defensive position 1) and so on idea for this one as it is easy to learn and fast to learn and it is very visible and we dont have to think "hmm, rail courtyard... aaah".
So all members need these commands in their configs. refused will make sure there are screenshots to show what position is which.
Ready at >>A1<<
Ready at >>A2<<
Ready at >>A3<<
Defending >>D1<<
Defending >>D2<<
And these are for use when we are leading and the enemy is holding our primary target and we just dont need to get it back, let them come to us and get fragged
Before every game I want to meet at GenX TDM 45-30 mins before game so we can make teams in advance and elect strategic leaders. Each map will have a leader that makes strategic decisions, like changing primary target, or change of playstyle or use the GOGOGOGOGO button for attacks. Strategic leader is also responsible for keeping a look on scoreboard and looking (and reporting after match) for what strategies are working best.
2 things.
First - I dunno how mr clan comuunicates durning the fight but if they dont soon after we use our method they will copy it. No metter if someone will be spactating or not. Mulle got logs.
Second - The idea of leaving rooms is ok - BUT - remember that this time there is no fraglimit - there is only timelimit. So if we loose first map by a large number of frgas and we will be leading on the next one we can still have not enough frags to win the whole match.
K I made scroll cfgs
U need 3 files ine e+ directory.
first one - attack.cfg
bind 1 "say_team ^3Ready at >>A1<<"
bind 2 "say_team ^3Ready at >>A2<<"
bind 3 "say_team ^3Ready at >>A3<<"
bind 4 "say_team ^3GOGOGOGGO"
bind mwheelup "exec comm.cfg"
bind mwheeldown "exec defense.cfg"
second one - defense.cfg
bind 1 "say_team ^2Defending >>D1<<"
bind 2 "say_team ^2Defending >>D2<<"
bind 3 "say_team ^1POSTIONI LOST"
bind 4 "say_team ^2AREA CLEARED"
bind mwheelup "exec attack.cfg"
bind mwheeldown "exec comm.cfg"
third one - comm.cfg
bind 1 "say_team ^3 NEW TARGET ^1>>D1<<"
bind 2 "say_team ^3 NEW TARGET ^1>>D2<<"
bind 3 "say_team ^3GOGOGOGOGO"
bind mwheeldown "exec attack.cfg"
bind mwheelup "exec defense.cfg"
Ahhh - when starting the game u have to exucute one of this files.
Still I havent worked the colors out, but for now thats just an idea. With scrolls u can always change to modes: attack mode, defense mode, command mode. Any comments?
Im sure that could be placed in one file but dunno how to make aliases in quake3. There is no command alias, like it was in q1 or q2.
Nice pan, but i use the wheel as use button, and could accedently get to scroll it and change configs.
Now, things might have to be fast etc so the wrong "say" might be used
forgot to mention, on all maps where we dont have the positions selected we use rudz chatidea, and I think we are to use that one in ctf too.
It is built on q3's automatic map position names and it seems to work great, but we need a faster one for dm14. Please post it rudz