I don't know how good or bad the ping loss works in the score board. I've seen people with 15 % packet loss run smoothly and others with 2 % have slideshow performance. I might be missing info on how data travel for q3 though.
The way i see it, if he is hittable he can play
u cant say just "loss"
if u turn sv_fps up to 30 like its actual on 2!s freez u will get a pl of 20 percent. (people like anne asked why the lag i said them what to do that there not lagging anymore, they didnt done it)
but still enemys run smooth with sv_fps 30.
then there the laggy connections that create a loss of 2-10, but still enemys are smooth enough for hit them.
third type is the categorie, who have loss like ur running a torrent, this people are really unhitable, cuz they get regular loss, lagging. (there getting jerky, if u use cl_timenudge under -10 people gets jerky, btw haludza alsways uses cl_timenudge -50).
the last type is the type unaimed and serlant have, there loss isnt regular, what makes them quite hitable, playing against them isnt really fun but it isnt lame like if some1 runs a torrent.
its unfair that people play with lag...they have nice easy chance of hitting us due to insta, but we cant hit them for the sake of it. a player with experience of lag has an edge over others, i know cause i played with snaps 10 for a few months to test, and it definitely does make a difference.
however...do players have a right to their cws despite pings? i mean would it be fair to completely disallow all australian players from cws? i really dont think so, cause like mow said is close to racism.
you have to deal with the fact that some people cant have 100mb/s connections and not everyone lives in central europe. could also set up specific servers in different locations so cws can be held fairly.
, i know cause i played with snaps 10 for a few months to test, and it definitely does make a difference.
wasnt it other way round? u was testing connection settings and mistyped and u had to test it cuz u didnt know what maked the lag?
well i seen how the gamestyle of u was with that lag, really annoying
I voted 0-5% packetloss can play -- 6-10% isn't really acceptable because if I have 10% and the other player also has 10%, that makes it even harder to hit him/her...
and how u can see a player pl ? i suppose u do an average between time and his pl . Cause maybe he start the cw with 0 and after 3min its going up to 20 falling down to 3 and then again after some period
for example : @me : its runing between lets say 3-15 what should i do ? not play anymore ? cause 3 is below 5 and 15 above . ?
lol and did u saw ur option votes
first two are separately than the last 2 options
or isnt it like this? *talking alone about birds *
1 -10 is ok but more is shity
but i think all players can play cw!!
he can nothing's for his connection!!!
Hmm this should be a decission for each clan leader and i hope this won't be reflected in the clan rank rules since we mostly play on euro servers or euro clans come and play to our servers, so if both clans agree it's no one else's business.
imagine a pro player X with good aim and loosingpackets in dm17
stats ?
100 kills 30 deaths ? i think just about a " limit " with loosingpackets
Kai Greene: " Oouuuhh "