"Lost" thread
id like to just say, holy shit, the lost finale was fucking insane
if you got bored watching mid-season, pick up at the third - its really amazing
my idea of what is happening is that the people on the island from the flight 815 have all had shit lives and wouldn't mind being somewhere peaceful without the horrors of society that are in the world today. They are completely sheltered from all of that, with protection from the island (healing powers, etc)
If you think of almost any character, you can pretty much say they have had a BAD life. Jack - tried to commit suicide - herley - cursed to hell cause of those numbers, kate - on the run from the government for murder - locke - thrown from a building and put in a wheelchair - rose - diagnosed with cancer
I think the others actually did do them a favour by bringing them to the island, and they are being so gullible to beleive that they are so evil and they 'kidnap children' etc etc but as you learn in series 3 its not as it appears on teh cover
the flash forwards in the finale kinda back this theory up...cos it looks like Jack is desperately trying to get back to the island - taking multiple plane journeys HOPING for one of the planes to crash and for him to land on the island...cos he realises how much better it was there than in society only after he was 'rescued'
just my ideas
Ooohno is there a forth season? i cant take it anymore. :scratch:
Ooohno is there a forth season? i cant take it anymore. :scratch:
a fourth and maybe even a fifth... it shall end 2008...
there is a lot of stuff to be found out...
smokey, jacob, the "ghosts", the ruins (statue with 4 toes ), Richard not getting any older, how the "magic box" works.
but first of all for the beginning of next season... who is sitting on the boat claiming to rescue them
i heard there are 3 seasons left with 16 eps per season played straight through with no gaps (apart from between the seasons), probably ending in 2010
in the middle of season 3 it was so crap, but it finished well. i'll still watch it, cos i have nothing better to do, and 45 mins of my life a week aint that much.
and the funeral... i think it was ben's or locke's
there are so many plot holes, but i suppose no tv series is water tight.
and the funeral... i think it was ben's or locke's
there are so many plot holes, but i suppose no tv series is water tight.
how about juliet? maybe she married and got a new last name...
imo season 2 was the best one yet... season 1 the worst... lets see whats coming
but somewhere I read lost shall end in 2008...
oooooh yeh, julliet! nice one, that would make more sense but you never know with those craaaaaaazy writers
48 eps... finishing 2010 supposedly, i'm sure they'll have a spin-off 'Lost Again' where a space ship crashes on a planet in our solar system... the 11th planet
@ Allison
I doubt Penny's father is mixed in all this, you remember that she was trying to locate that island long before so it's think it's her the one that's doing all the work.
And nope Walt isn't dead, apparently he can be in 2 places at the same time or better said "in places he isn't supposed to be". He appeared before to Shannon when he was taken by the others and he was alive. Just remember the episode when Michael goes after Walt who was held by the others and that black woman asks him about Walt's abilities, saying "sometimes he is in places he isn't supposed to be". And imo that's just one of Walt's abilities. I see him more of a darkside kid, having a bad influence in the future.
As for the season finale, my guess is that the dead person was Juliette. Anyhow the future flash we've seen in the last episode puts up many many questions while giving few answers which is typically Lost.
I'm still wondering what was the connection between Libby Hurley and Desmond, who the heck is Jacob (dont think it's the black smoke thingie), who the fcuk are actually "the others", what is that "magic box", sup with the polar bears, what do hurley's numbers actually mean and how come they are so connected to what's happening to the island, what were the after-effects of the hatch getting blown, sup with that weird foot statue, + other ones that just dont spring to mind now.
Omg! I watched the final episodes of the third season and I also must say that it was REALLLLLY GOOOD! This is something what all television series should always be. When I started to watch the last episode I was lying on my sofa and after a while I noticed that I was nearly standing on my living room table because I was so surprised of some of the events which happened.
I'm not totally sure if the Others are on the right path. Ben is a bad person for sure if you look what he is willing to do and what he has done. I've also noticed that all those people on 815 had bad lives in some way. On that island they have found themselves and they are much happier... It may have something to do with the fact that they are on that island.
But where you are wrong tyrant is that the Others didn't bring them to the island. Before I watched the final episodes, I watched the special "The Answers" episode which was between the episode 21 and 22. On that episode the writers of the Lost explained some of the things which had already happened on the show. They emphasized that the plane crashed because Desmond put wrong numbers to the magnetic machine. So it was accident. Or it might have been faith. But it wasn't planned by the Others. The Others were a bit shocked about the plane crash and about the fact that there could be survivors.
I believe the Lost is now on its turning point in a way how the story is being told. Before the final episodes all the flashes have dealt with the past. Now first time the flash took place in the future (if you don't count the Desmonds forseeings). I believe we will see much more of those in the fourth season and the solution starts to build up from the all angles.
Yes. I found it interesting because it felt like Jack NEEDED to crash with aeroplane to get back there - like it wasn't possible otherwise. If thats true then the parallel dimension theory could be possible. But it's also possible that Jack was just so depressed that he wanted to crash and die.
But who was in the coffin? Any suggestions? He/she was someone of whom Jack cared about because Jack cried. Kate didn't care about him/her because she just said "Why would I go to the funeral?" when Jack asked about if she was going there. So who was in the coffin?
I really hope fourth season starts soon. :bounce: