Map thread
Imo, as Insane's topic pointed out too, I'm beginning to get tired of playing the ol' same maps, and I'm trying to find nice maps to play on for every gametype. I've found five till now (plus one more tourneymap which I will show later). Maps I've found:
- quake3stuff
- storm3tourney1
Tag, TDM, FFA:
- qxdm4_v2
- wvwq3dm7
- ikzdm1
Please look at them, 'cause it's really worth it.
Hey Laki I know you probably don't like ping issues or perhaps don't like Deex.cfg--but if you want to play a couple of new maps Deex's freeze has some now. Just a thought, until your Beer or wherever gets some new maps.
Music for the map >>>;7562508;;/fileinfo.html
Totally different style ...filled abysses with water ...
:!: NEW CONNECTIONS!! :!: <<<
Here's some maps I've done over the years, but never bothered to promote them.
The Frags Head - it's based on, well - a Pub
I actually made it about 7 years ago, but since I've recently started playing again, I figured I would give it a once over and make it a bit better. Quite small, but I've had a lot of fun against bots in the last few days.
Second map is called Rest in Pieces, and I made this about 6 years ago. Quite proud of this one.
Hope you enjoy them!
nice map insancekid!
The rest (tourney-maps)