Mouse self shooting
I have problem with my mouse. When I play q3, there r many times situations where when i am taking off finger from fire button than weapon still shooting. I must press again to stop it. Sometimes i feel my shoots lagged or weapon self shoots.
Imo mouse is ok cuz in other games all is fine.
My mouse is Razer Death Adder.
I am using laptop Asus X50SL and Windows Vista.
In Razer Firmware i have seted: Polling Rate: 1000Hz and Resolution: 1800Dpi.
Maybe there is problem in my config?
Please help if u know sth about it...
poll down to 500 hz
First try in quake
in_mouse -1
If that doesnt work do as skull said.

First try in quake
in_mouse -1
If that doesnt work do as skull said.
if u suggest that, tell all the side effects of in_mouse -1 D:
however, a lot of people say this and say that about in_mouse, this is the most detailed explanations i belive
In_mouse -1 makes the game use Windows cursor grabbing--between every frame of the game (usually 125hz) the Windows cursor is centered on the screen and you move the cursor some distance away from the center of the screen. That distance is relayed to the game as XY values for mouse movement, the frame is rendered, and the process repeats itself. No smoothing is automatically applied to these inputs, so it feels raw and clean when you use it, and after using in_mouse 1 for a while it may even feel fast and jittery.
The problem with using this method is that the cursor cannot move outside of the window the game creates, the size of which is dictated by the resolution you are running the game at. If you run a high dpi mouse with a low screen resolution, you will run into clipping (negative acceleration) problems really fast, but if you use a low dpi mouse it should be fine. You can figure out how fast you can move your mouse (in inches per second) by using this formula:
(Xres/2) * (FPS) / (Mouse DPI)
(Yres/2) * (FPS) / (Mouse DPI)
for the X and Y components, respectively.
But if it feels fine it usually is--the negative acceleration effects are very pronounced.
This clipping problem is avoided by using in_mouse 1, but the mouse inputs, allegedly (haven't seen the code for this, but I can feel it when A/Bing the two modes), have some sort of automatic smoothing applied to them, adding some nearly imperceptible delay to the mouse movements and clicks.
Both let you play just fine though, it's really a matter of what you're used to.[/code:1]
as far as i know, in_mouse 1 has a 1 frame delay (8 msec if u play on 125 fps)
hmm in_mouse -1 helped me long time ago, and i didnt noticed any changes except mouse4 button stopped working, so i just stopped using this buttton
As far as I could tell, in_mouse -1 avoided the strange Gnome mouse acceleration in Linux.

if u suggest that, tell all the side effects of in_mouse -1 D:
as far as i know, in_mouse 1 has a 1 frame delay (8 msec if u play on 125 fps)
I didnt say any side effects because they are never the same for everyone and u cannot generalize them by copy pasting some article. Each hardware setup will react and behave diffeerent. I could for example flush that theory immediatly down the toilet because there are NO side effects on my setup, nor do I feel any delay.
Im sure the person who was problems with this is wise enough to recognize the side effects and then make a decision are the side effects a bigger issue than the original problem and which of those 2 is worth "living with".
or set mouse to 500hz. is there any valid point to use 1000hz anyway?

or set mouse to 500hz. is there any valid point to use 1000hz anyway?
i think it's a myth. 500hz is enough imo
I had this problem with my g5. I uninstaled setpoint and all works ok now..
at same time I had problems with self weapon changing.. when I playd, my weapon sometimes changed to grenades, "E" on my keyboard..
I have scaned my comp and uninstaled "setpoint" and now all works fine..
dunno if that was bcz of this setpoint program or bcz of viruses..
Change of polling rate to 500mhz looks like help well.
I must test it more cuz' one or two times i think, i had this problem again. Soon will write about it.