Multijump not working and insta weapchange
Weapchanges have become slower it seems, and I cant get xp_multijump to work?
For the switch time:
[code:1] /* Weapon Switch Speed
* 0 - Default Weapon Switch Method
* < -0 - Instant shot with ## milliseconds delay (ProMode like)
* > +0 - Instant switch with ## milliseconds delay
Switch Time: 1;[/code:1]
If you wan't the same "instant switch" as it was in the old versions use positive values i.e. 1.
Great, I had -1 on my server, thought that was with no delay, I'll change to -0.
/xp_drawSpeed 1 this shows you your current speed in units per seconds (ups). If you wan't it to show 350 set your g_speed to 350 on the server.
The second is the 'new version syndrom'. As soon as a new version comes out everyone seems to imagine lag but for some magical reasons it goes away after some days.
Hmm, I have some probs, I know I mentioned 2 of these in my post above
1. Instant weapchange. Weapons change too slow, and if I shoot a rail and change to RL it takes same time it would take for rail to reload for me to shoot RL, I want instachange. Where do I change it and what is the command? I have found a setting Switchtime: -1 but this doesnt seem to be it.
2. Multijump, xp_multijumps 5 does not seem to work? What is the command and where do I need to set it.
3. Grenade launcher, style 0 doesnt seem to work anymore. It wont bounce