New Clan Members (NO COMMENTS)
welcome nobzordz
danger0000 -> [m0m]danGer
Night --> [m0m]Night
sOnic1 -> [m0m]sOnic
sl1p -> [m0m]SL1P
Puss ---> Puss[ERA]
p4l A$D - inFected'A$D
p4l snf - inFected'snuffy
astro*ELITE'Z* ----> astro
thx for all nice games elitez but some ppl are realy annoying to me.
Alone ~ Asgaroth ----> Asgaroth or Matt
after some issuses i rejoin alone.
Asgaroth --> Alone ~ Asgaroth
I found some more time to look a bit closer on subject and if situation still isn't clear, for me is... .DA|ZARZYN. -> Zarzyn due to cheating
EDIT: I would like to apologize everyone who played against us when he was .DA| member
EDIT: we are looking for 1-2 active members;]
SPidarman aka SP - Sneaky*SP
welcome new member of russian national team:
stylish -> rnt*stylish
good luck & have fun with us
kotek -> [supreme]kotek welcome!