New Clan Members (NO COMMENTS)
/SF/maja ----> maja
i am sorry for the mess i did to my members and to the clan. stanley you take care of the clan, it will be in better hands.
/SF/Doomnight ---> Doomnight
Sorry guys, this sf story was cool, but now just dont have any sense to me anymore...
aWe*team ---evolve into---> aWe*clan
doomnight ---> aWe*doomnight
bendykt ---> aWe*benedykt
fiendsin ---> aWe*macabre
tricky ---> aWe*trickhO0
damian ---> aWe*dam1an
gabber ---> aWe*gabber
equinox ---> aWe*kaizen
pTs| is back for some excessive rail CW's
Khaz' -> pTs|felixtheman
Apollo -> pTs|Apollo
Nat -> pTs|Natter
Snake -> pTs|Sadicx'
;* -> pTs|;*
Jeff -> pTs|Jeffer
What are we searching for, active railonly players willing to play fast rail CTF and TDM
aWe*dam1an ----> dam1an
ALONE ~ M-POWER --> ALONE ~ SHELBY (still as trial) with less insults to people, the chance rises for being a full member!
Took it as a chance to inform about the issue with ClanDB not taking names codes correctly..
mi3*beng -> beng -> pts beng
Not true, beng hasnt contacted pTs so he's still in mi3
damian -> pTs|kompressor
Welcome in camp pink!