Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
history shows that, organisators cannot change anything cuz it results in FAILCUPS
other config? gametype? rules? = other cup
btw. harlovelvy did qlinsta 1.8 or something, what was supa cool in my eyes. any1 knows why he do not upload it on forum?
main thing what i remember from it, was that he eliminated slides of bodies from first hit to ~0

Personally dont like clan arena, just worse version of
tdm in all weapons and i think worse then ftag in rail only. Stupid
countdown between rounds just pisses me off.
Plus less
tactic then in ftag, you can rely only on aim, cant pull the round with
melts like in ftag. Clans who have worse aim will lose for 100 percent,
no need to have much tactic to gather in 1 pack when you have this
countdown time between rounds. Less tactic, more aim dependence = more
predictable result.
since start ideas of CA in insta i was talk about that. CA (insta) looks cool if it is like FTAG without unfrozing bodies and countdowns between rounds it eliminate guarding bodies and situations when 1v5 unfrozing rest of team and making 5v1. game looks more like CS, but still cool
I agree that changing rules when clans have already signed in, not a good idea.

I agree that changing rules when clans have already signed in, not a good idea.
Use your eyes or pls download a new brain... TDM / CA are suggestions for the next cup/league.... Thanks for concidering it mzi.

I agree that changing rules when clans have already signed in, not a good idea.Use your eyes or pls download a new brain... TDM / CA are suggestions for the next cup/league.... Thanks for concidering it mzi.

I suggest to make it TDM qlinsta this time. We had 2 cups ftag with this cfg so i think its time for tdm aswell. If Tdm then RSQT will be in. Think about it.
jeff is idiot.
Mzi I agree with you in adding hidden fortress etc, but what do you think about dreadful place and purgatory perhaps? Current map pack is really boring and default, so adding two maps at least could make it fresh. Both of them (purgatory and dreadful place) are good for teamplay, unlike hidden fortress.
What do you think? Purgatory isn't a must tho, but it could bring something new for this cup. Add dreadful place at least please, it was really popular last year so it should be there now aswell !

What do you think? Purgatory isn't a must tho, but it could bring something new for this cup. Add dreadful place at least please, it was really popular last year so it should be there now aswell !
ye g1 tricky good taste of maps
Dreadful place and purgatory both are good maps, but main question will anyone actually pick it for matches ? We had few such maps on osrc 1 or 2, dont remember exactly, but nobody picked it even once. But 11 or 13 not a big difference in my mind.
Purgatory map has sux drop fps
I like this map too, but this drop fps is very annoying. about dreadful palace, i will think about this one, yes that's true this was very popular last year, then i will see. current map pack has maps which are mostly played by players on e+ as well as on ng mod so i have to keep this in mind.
Anyway, i will check some new map as you said and add to map list (to keep it in fresh atmosphere)
thanks for advice tricky, i appreciate it