Other mods/fps configs

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005


If there are some ppl here who come from different mods, or play different ones, even other fps and you wanna help making conf-like in e+, your are welcome.

I can make all confs that you request, but I just need informations about the mod.


Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

Joined: May 2007
MX Mexico
Other mods/fps configs

so what you saying is that if i play like for example FEAR2 u can make a mod for FEAR2 based on the way excessive plus is but for FEAR2 ? Shock

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Other mods/fps configs
KOMPR3SSOR * 3U wrote:

so what you saying is that if i play like for example FEAR2 u can make a mod for FEAR2 based on the way excessive plus is but for FEAR2 ? Shock

False !

I can make configs (not mods) that can have similar gameplay to the game(or q3 mod) you want to play here, if e+ engine permits it.

Ofc, if you really love a game/mod you can provide maps, custom weapons skins etc... But I call that a real project, not just a work on a config.

Examples of what I mean :
Arrow I have helped making a config for defrag.

Arrow I have started a config that have similar gameplay as pacman game Big grin, but I stopped cos some features not available yet in e+

Arrow kid asked for doom-like config adapted for e+, we need just to finalize it.

Arrow I have started also ra3.cfg(rocket arena) but haven't got time to check how are settings etc in this mod.

Arrow I am planning to make configs such as cpma, osp, ... but that requiers enough mod knowledge.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
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Other mods/fps configs
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

Arrow I am planning to make configs such as cpma, osp, ... but that requiers enough mod knowledge.

Leave it, will never work out.
If people wanna play cpma they will go to quakelive...

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Other mods/fps configs

Objective is to attract ppl that play those other mods so they get in touch with e+, then discover its other features.

If ppl leave again or stay after that, it's up to them. But, then we could say : "At least we have tryed"

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

Joined: Oct 2008
Other mods/fps configs
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

Objective is to attract ppl that play those other mods so they get in touch with e+, then discover its other features.

If ppl leave again or stay after that, it's up to them. But, then we could say : "At least we have tryed"

That point has no sense what so ever. People join this mod to play on "excessive" physics, not some inferior copy of another game. We should rather put our efforts into promoting excessiveplus directly, not indirectly by using game styles from other games.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Other mods/fps configs

efforts you say? that doesn't cost more than one night if you know very well the mod.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

Joined: Aug 2008
Other mods/fps configs

i'd love a remake of WFA but it's far too complicated (class-selection with different weapons + other stuff etc..)
plus i can't see it taking off here either

Xelair's picture
Joined: Oct 2007
Other mods/fps configs
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

Arrow kid asked for doom-like config adapted for e+, we need just to finalize it.

I absolutely love Doom! I would really like to see how it plays out. Cool

Dangerously cheesy.

Joined: May 2009
Other mods/fps configs

ehh Ali man im playing 'Mario3D'.is it possible to make similar configs Big grinLaughing out loudLaughing out loud

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Other mods/fps configs
kLighter wrote:

If people wanna play cpma they will go to quakelive...

QuakeLive is like baseq3 and nothing to do with CPMA, actually, except for Clan Arena settings which are very similar to CPMA clan arena.

¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

Arrow I have started also ra3.cfg(rocket arena) but haven't got time to check how are settings etc in this mod.

Arrow I am planning to make configs such as cpma, osp, ... but that requiers enough mod knowledge.

ra3.cfg was already made once if I'm not mistaken, we would have to ask CyreZ if he still has it and can we update it to 2.0a, I think?

As for OSP and CPMA cfgs, Skull has a very good OSP cfg that would probably just need updating to the 2.0a system. And years ago we made a CPMA cfg for 1.03 that Beast actually made an updated version of not too long ago (simply transferred the values over to 2.0a system).

If Skull has interest in continuing development on his OSP cfg for 2.0a I would definitely help him test it. Anyone interested in playing Beast's "port" of the CPMA cfg would definitely get my approval also; the original config-maker of the CPMA one (Rat Salad) no longer plays Quake but I still talk to him almost every day. I will ask if he minds us using it further.

IMO the CPMA config Beast transferred from 1.03 to 2.0a settings works fine, I've played it on localhost a lot and it works like it should OTHER THAN THE JUMPING ON STAIRWAYS Chatterbox

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