PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
4. April 2016 - 12:34
F i n a l i s t s :
- Played mod: Excessive Plus v2.3
- Played config: PlusN Config v2.4
- xp_antiWallhackLevel : 1 + Server aWH Protection!
- xp_improvePrediction: 1
- Only league dedicated servers!
PlusN TDML Server - DE
PlusN TDML Server - LT
Clan information:
- Every clan has to have their forums on the website.
- Every clan has to refresh their clandb entry so it will be true to the current clan status.
- Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3.
- Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5.
- During the event, each Clan has 1 week (7 days) deadline to play their matches.
- Fixtures and League lists will be given after the sign-up's will be finished.
- All played games will be ranked : in Plus ranking section.
Mandatory server settings:
- sv_PunkBuster: 1 (Client PunkBuster Not required!!)
- sv_Pure: 1 (With improved protection)
- g_FriendlyFire: 1 (note!)
- xp_itemStyle: 4 (note!)
- g_GameType: 3
- xp_MatchMode: 1
- Timelimit: 15
- Fraglimit: 0
- xp_SuddenDeath: 1
Mandatory client settings:
- cl_timenudge: 0 (note!)
- rate: 25000 (note!)
- snaps: 40 (note!)
- cl_maxpackets: 125 (note!)
With the exception of Q3DM17 (note!)
Pointing system:
- Match won: 2 - 0 = 3 points
- Match won: 2 - 1 = 2 points
- Match won by WO = 3 points
- Match lost: 0 - 2 = 0 points
- Match lost: 1 - 2 = 1 points
- Match lost by WO = 0 points
- Everyone clan is playing with everyone clan.
- In this Event Clans play one Clanwar until 2 won maps.
- Referee not required. (note!) League-Server automatically records demo!
- if a match isnt played within deadline there will be a WO.
- if a clan doesnt reply = WO [use forums].
- if a clan doesnt show up after 30 mins after set time = WO [Time set on forums].
- if clan quits the event, every previous and further games will be considered as lost by WO.
- Loosing 2 games by WO in a row will succeed removing from the event.
- Match winner must make a post - match report ( screenshots, etc ).
- Each clan has the right to take 2 timeouts per maps unless oponnent allows more.
- Every player who take a part in event has to play under official clan tag.
- Every player who take a part in event has to be prepaired to play with sv_pure.
- Trial members of a Clan are not allowed to play a clanwar in this event.
- If a Clan recruits player during the Cup. The player can't play next 1 match. However, if enemy team agree's on this player, he is able to play without a break.
- Cheating and multiclaning is not allowed, Clans need to check enterys.
- Prooven multiclaning or cheating = Clan is out of the event.
- Clan Leader is responsible for Team, he need to take care who is allowed to play and who`s not.
- If a Team has broken the rules and won, then the much must be Replayed.
- Both Teams have to plan a Replay of the Match in 1 week.
- Date of post in "New Clan Members" counts as Date to join.
- If some of the rules will be broken then the clan which is responsible or both will receive a yellow card.
- 2 yellow cards = Red card = Out of the League
- If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this clan receive Yellow Card.
Sign IN List:
5. April 2016 - 19:50
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
Ah, some bug for me, nvm..
17. April 2016 - 0:36
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
when do we play ?
6. May 2016 - 15:16
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
LSF vs Unique will be played soon. the bestmatch is always the most expected.
7. May 2016 - 12:11
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016

LSF vs Unique will be played soon. the bestmatch is always the most expected.
9. June 2016 - 12:11
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
Yea, that's the correct order, grats all..
As you already know clan "Vendetta" left the league
Now: Round 4 (Finish up 10.04.2016)
Expected: Unique - EU (Round - 3)