PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
10. June 2016 - 22:20
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016

we will take 3th place on cup....
well you could take 4th, and we would take 3rd if you like 'th' more =DD who cares 3rd or 4th, or 2nd or 1st or 3th, a victory was already there before tournament, hahaha!
10. June 2016 - 23:12
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
Meinspielplan already said that MU ended 3rd, DS 4th and eu 5th because the internal results between those clans are calculated by that site not by your decision.
Voron, MU is 3rd.
11. June 2016 - 14:55
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
11. June 2016 - 17:07
Re: PlusN TDM antiWH League 2016
Congrats to all who stand on podium and to all those who participated and made this happen... Keep on playing and don't let this mod die. Cheers
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EU -MR was 2 - 0 as i remember