PlusN whine

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Ok, now its my turn to whine. I completely hate the increased switchtime of version 2.14 of plusn. Ive had no problems with items, or powerups or even xp_freezeStyle feature, but this change makes this cfg almost unplayable for me.

At first i thought i could get used to it, but it has become impossible. Ive always been a fast-mover (read spammer if you like, i dont care) player, and my rail has never been very good. I used to move a lot on the map, enter rooms fast with nade/bfg, shooting extremely fast, and bouncing to avoid spam and getting railed. Now with the increased switchtime this is very hard and less useful.

Now it seems the only way to be a good player on this cfg is to walk and rail, an style that ive always hated and that is not very useful for high-pingers like myself because i cant time projectiles or dodge spam on time. So is this is your definition for skill? Walk and rail?

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spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
PlusN whine

I saw this coming since a while ago. But no one cared.

Developing cfg's is very important nowdays that we are moving ahead to HOLD e+ as long as we can. We cant let 1 single person decides for the entire community and forcing everyone to play as his vision says.

Imo, we should have a special meeting with several good players and propose fixes to cure this situation that is getting out of control already.

The same MOD DEVELOPER is TELLING "E+ WTF IS GOING ON" we should hear that call.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
PlusN whine
(HK)Spider wrote:

The same MOD DEVELOPER is TELLING "E+ WTF IS GOING ON" we should hear that call.

Im just another player, im just giving my suggestions, and is completely cfg related. Forget that im a dev on this thread please.

Había una vez un barco chiquito...

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
PlusN whine
(HK)Spider wrote:

I saw this coming since a while ago. But no one cared.

Developing cfg's is very important nowdays that we are moving ahead to HOLD e+ as long as we can. We cant let 1 single person decides for the entire community and forcing everyone to play as his vision says.

Imo, we should have a special meeting with several good players and propose fixes to cure this situation that is getting out of control already.

The same MOD DEVELOPER is TELLING "E+ WTF IS GOING ON" we should hear that call.

And now next question... Why to change something, what was there last few years without change? I mean old plus.cfg. Every1 knows "how it goes" in this conf. Developing and changes of config sux :!:

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
PlusN whine

1st of all, Fala does not decide for all, still people do it. If they keep playing on a plusN config-server it's their fault, actually thats the prove they like the config. Otherwise they would play on a other server. Any other argument is based on lazyness. 2nd of all, Beast, ur discription of ur gamestyle is actualy my discription of my game-style, and i have no problems with it (see FW Wasp vs Absolute).

Guys if u don't like a config, play on a other server, call ur friends on msn or irc to populate a other server.

Arguments like 1 guy can not decide for whole community is like "discrimmination", he just makes a config, which is used "BY OTHERS", it is not in the resposibility of this guy, which config gets used, GOD DAMNIT. Your arguments, dear spider, are witch-hunt-methods.

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
PlusN whine

guys don't get into personal whatever

- since beginning of this cfg, it was meant to bring back the right order, if u don't like the progress in switch times then use, xp_swichStyle to set 240ms for each weapon, and play it like u did get used on 1.03

** well, yes in next release i probably will add another factor that will let decide admins to set their own switch times, it will going to be handled like current xp_antySpam

- u don't like power ups? uh switch em off...

it is really mine fault, that the admins ain't willing to use possibilities mounted into cfg?

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necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
PlusN whine

Guys, remember what fala says is absolute truth: there are more OPTIONS built into PlusN.cfg than most any other cfg out there right now, and if you have issues with certain settings which can be changed server-side please discuss it with server admins, not here. If the admins need help configuring their server to run PlusN a certain way this forum is full of helpful people who will give them some time out of their day to get things running the way they want them to be run!

Also wanted to add that I regularly play on five or six different servers across no less than 4 different Plus-like configs, and though there are differences between all of these server-configs the atmosphere of the players is still E+ / Bro-like / same as ever before! There are other options than just playing on a PlusN server if you take issue with the cfg so much, try NF.cfg servers, Plusbeta/Plus.cfg servers (run by BE), PlusC servers, etc... there are many options.

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Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
PlusN whine

basic plusN settings are optimized e+ 1.02b settings.
1.02b switch always gave a very controlled feeling to the gameplay.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
PlusN whine

in my optinion the problem is not the config itself, the problem is that there are too much different configs around. its nice that its customizible, but imagine on every server there are other settings. that would really suck, because on every server you would have to play a bit different.

in 1.03 we had basically 2-3 configs that were played, thats ok. but imo its not ok to have 10 different configs on 10 servers. for sure you sgould give the people the option to choose their gamestyle (eg plus.cfg and e5r.cfg) but its should not give 100 different configs.

imagine we had plusN on 5 servers and on all servers there are different switchtimes. first you play 2 mathes on server 1, then you leave and ho server2 and you cant play the same because of the switchtime. wtf? that sucks. you just cant make a config for everyone.

look: in cs or quake live, ALL have to play the normal config, there sare not 100 difficult configs on 100 servers, because it makes no sense.

my opinion: do 2-3 STANDART configs and its ok. if people dont want to play that style its their problem. if people dont want to play cs, they just dont do it. if people dont want to play plusN, learn it or go away.

just stop whining and learn to play the new config. thats all.

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unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
PlusN whine

I totally agree with Simpson.

Fala - it's not good that you're giving plenty of features to set for server admins. Then when it comes to fw/cw everybody is used to their own server cvars and the flame/whine war begins...

It's important to have same settings everywhere where 'plusN' is loaded. If fastmovers whine about not being able to move fast (that's right I noticed there's not so many spidermans now and they're also needed on server). Can't you just balance all the settings and leave it without possibility to change a lot of settings on every different server?

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
PlusN whine

clans must just agree that any clan can play their cvars/config with their map. Unflexible clans like "unique", who say just no no no are the problem, not the variability of the config/mod.

just tie maps both clans need to agree with.

further problem is, some server owners just put plusC or plusN on their server, which is contraproductive.

we play in a variable mod, so clans should be also variable, or at least they should agree, that any clan should be able to play their own map on their prefered config or variation.