
47 replies [Last post]
mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
I don't give a shit, i would/will play all bro/plus based configs
10% (6 votes)
I want powerups, but they must be improved, eg. stronger
2% (1 vote)
I don't want powerups, remove them all
43% (25 votes)
I want powerups, it makes the game more interesting.
19% (11 votes)
I want powerups, but they must be improved, eg. become weaker
12% (7 votes)
I dont want to post, so i vote this.
14% (8 votes)
Total votes: 58

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

I voted for powerups, but i have nothing against it, if the become weaker. Personally i need meanwhile motivation to move, and i really dislike campprotection, forcing is the wrong way for me.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

I want powerups, it makes the game more interesting.

Actual plusN rocks as it is now. but if there are small changes in futur, no problem from my side.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany

I am against powerups.
however, ur poll is bad, because u force people to vote for: No powerups -> camp.

if really everyone would camp, teams would not score -> people do move.
if there is no powerup avaible on the map at a moment -> people do move.

pls mr wisdom, fix the poll.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009

in the coming 2.12 going to be few more features
- switching wont be delayed at all, exactly like 1.02b style
- u will going to lose health, *freezing itself" to prevent death people going to be forced to move for health items "moving making body warmer"
- camp protection wont u let camp by standing in one place

- $ - I am for stronger powerups, atm u need 2 powerups to survive 1 rail shot, would be great if one cloud save u from death, and after 600dmg u would have around 50 health

I am addicted to life.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

poll fixed. would u kindly stop speaking with ur urself? (mr. wisdom)

Mona's picture
Joined: Jul 2004
SE Sweden

I want powerups, it makes the game more interesting.
I posted so mine counts now Happy

Joined: Aug 2006

voted for no powerups.

atm i'm @ workplace, later i'll do a copy-paste from the other thread to explain the reasons of my vote with pro-cons

edit start here:

*ZMB*ORBY* wrote:
we just had 2 fw's with Cro*Team and Jumps today..

cro vs ita played on tune without takin' powerups bcoz all didn't liked to use them. clean game with no camp.
pls recalculate how many ppl that really doesn't like them

jumps vs ita.. well we had to start to use them or "steal" to them (forced) because sometimes me and others teammates noticed they was spammin' with quad o hidind behind some corners with battlesuit = camping (who cares for the 1st shot? i have it),
so ALI these items on wars and public servers are really NOT used for a 1vs4 emergency ... ok?

since my english is a complete fail i quote wax.. he grabbed the words out of my mouth. Clean, nothing more nothing less.

EVOL.WAX wrote:
Not a fan of powerups in e+, imo they are redundant. All weapons and ammo are free and no self damage, who needs more help? Happy
I go out of my way to avoid them, I prefer a clean frag without suit and/or quad.

imo this poll will not have the votes of the 70% of e+ players (public, clanless and clan members)... ppl who they simply don't check the forum or don't care enough about it.
As u wrote, mow, i hope clanleaders will inform their members about this.

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006

I've played the cfg on all major gametypes now & under widely varying conditions. I must say I like it quite a lot! Comparing it to 1.03 Plus versions doesn't seem fair because the server cfg system has been changed and improved upon SO MUCH it would be like comparing a '52 Mercedes 300 to a modern 300 SLK. Not fair! The older one is still a classic, even if it is outdated.

However I think the powerups should be tweaked. As Skull has pointed out they do cause people to tend to pitch a tent and build a fire in one particular area of a map :roll:

What I'd really like to see is a very low quad factor that gives only a slight advantage to damage rate. Almost all weapons are capable of killing with a single shot in this cfg depending on range and rate of fire, so why make quad factor so high? Tweaked for only a slight advantage I think less people would camp waiting for it.

Battle suit is very nice - and I have noticed that people shun it! - though I think it should stay in, maybe with a lower respawn time.

The BFG's grenade splash damage rly... rly needs to be lowered. I spend more time getting splash-killed by people who are just spamming at corners than I do actually getting railed, it seems Laughing unless I'm playing with /addbot Laktos / skill: omg, and other players who have high rail skill: it's a buzzkill to get spawned in freeze so many times by someone who only suspects a person is there around the corner.

To hear it coming, move out of the way, and still die... well, it blows.

Armor seems good. It protects against this splash damage somewhat, but would be nice if it were slightly stronger. Or if BFG splash damage were slightly lower and thus more "balanced" feeling.

Oh, god, and remove the splash damage on the LG. We likes promode, shaft-style LG with no splash...

That's all I can think of right now, and I don't know the new system well enough to comment further on specifics. The cfg is nice other than these few things, imo, and comparing to 1.03 isn't fair like I said. It's a great upgrade though.

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Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
GB United Kingdom

I'd say remove powerups completely, or make them as useful as baseq3. Nothing in between Happy

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Want powerups, and even to include regen and invis in the future.

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