PRO 2:1 *CSA*/23.07.2006/UNRANKED
Date : 23.07.2006
Player : 3vs3
Results : 1:1 draw after CSA left game in last map!
Punkbuster and Pure enabled
Maps: dm6 (TDM), dm17(TDM), dm7(Freeze)
First map CSA won the Game, second map Pro won the Game.
After that we had to play another map for End Result of ClanWar.
How you can see on screens Pro was at this time better then *CSA*.
But they decided to disconnect from Server in game!
Now Pro don't know what happened now.
Plz Rena help us...xD
best regards and Greate Game *CSA*
gg both
CSA, your post
So far, for me this is clasical Walking Out and should be decided as 2:1 for PRO. But I wanna to hear what other side have to say abot this CW.
So, please *CSA* post your story.
Best regards.
lol What you talking abaut???
It was FW - Fun War !!!
We played this day aginst hyper...and we dont do 2 CWs on 1 day omg!!
And its was manny Chat kills...
So far we haven't situation like this. Now sides have to proove it was CW or FW.
LOL! Rasmil say it right! It was only a FUN WAR! We didnt play 2 CW´s on one day! That were stupid! PRO what the Fuck! You must have the Points or what! That sucks :twisted:! Only FUN WAR!
And this is Fair Play!
That were not a Ranked WAR!
Sorry for may bad English!
even in fw disconnecting while game is pretty weird so plz explain while u disconnectet?
they spoke about a cw NOT about a fw
Additional Post for last Screen.
Last result without *CSA*.
Willing is not enough, we must do!