PRO Config
actualy your idea of pro seems to go to exact oposite of mine
nh once went the right way with a pro like e+ cfg, but it wasnt popular cause most people were consistently getting killed by camp protection
go figure
wish u GL with the config, really.
a have 1 or 2 tips for you to make that confnig played and popular.
1. create a smooth server
2. promote that server
3. play the serverfiller like with 4 mates beeing on server for more than 1 hour each day (if possible, thats one of the most important points.
4. listen on people (but not too much)
config seems cool, but i would like E+ to just have 1 base cfg. that is plus ! ..
so this PRO cfg would be good just for tranning, but u will be off balance when u get to play on plus again. so its not that good to jump from 1 cfg to another.
config seems cool, but i would like E+ to just have 1 base cfg. that is plus ! ..
My thoughts exactly. However, i wouldn't like to put you down in your effort, Diss, since i myself has been looking forward to see a "slower" config become a valid alternative to the other, "classic" ones.
... i nearly pooped my pants when i hit a bot with rail and it didn't kill him. D:
... i nearly pooped my pants when i hit a bot with rail and it didn't kill him. D:
LOL! My favorite is when it takes two good rail shots in a row to kill someone in promode, or draining them down with LG, then instant switch to RG when I run out of ammo and BOOM! Rail kills them cause their health is low and they have no armor.
plus rocket is used mind you, but its use is specific.
in plus, it is a great way to cover a jump route cause it moves much slower, yet straight.
also it is a more controled jumping method than some others.
p.s. dont get disscouraged, you might attract players to it with time
Someone that uses the weapon for moving or is able to move very fast will always have an advantage on the campers. I'd like to keep this aspect because I think it is very important. Thanks for this advice, it is taken in consideration
P.S : Your display picture rocks!
:: eXcessiveplus america ::