wrote:when we load qlinsta cfg we need to manualy change g_speed to 320 or not? i guess it is possible to set it by default in qlinstacfgit is
$g_speed = 320;
on die hippies server, when i load the damn config i have to manualy set g_speed 320 =/ how can that be ?
well, u can also set in ur rotation.txt the command "g_speed 320"
(read default rotation.txt if u don't know how to place it)
update with some changes including g_speed, switch, jump ramps 0 and 1 coming asap...
Is this a typo?
if ( $xp_AntyCamp == "" ) { $xp_AntyCamp = "1"; }
it is polish typo frank.
Btw, you just should set g_speed in config and not in server cfg so settings are overall the same on any server.
this should make the server owners
server owners aren't releasing it =>
when iam @home then comes the v1.2 release:
Changelog :
* weapon switch from railgun to gauntlet -201; (Thanks Blackfx)
* default g_speed = 320 included (dunno why i havent do it before
* pmove_rampjump (0|1)xp_physics bitmask (Thanks to Illca for that help)
Well, since QL has 320 it is just logic to set 320 in the ql-config. But Serverowners should remove the g_speed command than from server.cfg (conflicts) (setting an / infront of it is enough)
in the two servers provided by a-ones.de the g_speed is alredy in server.cfg file and in qlinsta.cfg, if you want you can also incluide it on rotation.txt but there is no need on that.
In other servers like hyperland or die, they have g_speed 350 if im not wrong...and its writed on server.cfg.
So when you load qlinsta.cfg the server.cfg does not let the command work as by default it has 350
So here you need to set it manualy.
Thats why we have two dedicated servers for the cup were the ref and clan leaders dont need to bother about g_speed, cos its always 320.
If the clan wars will be played in other servers, then yes, the ref should take a look on the g_speed and make sure its 320.
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